



1、Liuzhou luosifen, a soup dish dubbed and topped with ingredients including pickled bamboo shoots, string beans, peanuts and tofu skin. 其特色是将米粉浸泡在河螺调味的辛辣肉汤中,并加上腌笋、青豆、花生和豆腐皮等配料。

2、Because this form of “ will ” was to be used while an individual was still alive ( but no longer able to make decisions) it was dubbed the “ living will. ”因为这种“嘱愿”要在个人活着(但无法做决定)的时候使用,所以被称为“生前预嘱”。

3、Here was a type of the travelling canvasser for a manufacturing house--a class which at that time was first being dubbed by the slang of the day drummers. 这人是为生产厂家推销产品的旅行推销员,当时刚刚流行把这类人称作皮包客。

4、The Belgian actor Jean Claude Van Damme has been dubbed 'Muscles from Brussels'. 比利时演员让∙克劳德∙范∙达默被戏称为“布鲁塞尔的肌肉”。

5、Increasing numbers of Americans are leaving home in the morning and waiting until they reach their destination before eating breakfast at their office desk — a trend recently dubbed, "desk-breakfast" or "deskfast." 越来越多的美国人现在都选择早晨到办公室以后在自己办公桌边享用早餐,这种趋势叫做deskfast(桌边早餐)。

6、A friend dubbed it 'The Sanctuary' and the name stuck. 有位朋友戏谑地称它为“避难所”,然后这个名称就沿用了下来。

7、At the height of her career, Orson Welles dubbed her 'the most exciting woman in the world'. 奥森·韦尔斯把处在事业巅峰的她戏称为“世上最令人兴奋的女人”。

8、Because their behaviors are not usually seen as a red flag, these young people have been dubbed the "invisible risk" group by the study's authors. 由于他们的行为通常并不被视为危险信号,这些年轻_被研究者标记为“隐形风险”人群。

9、A new trend for sharing photographs of one's book collection has taken social media by storm, which is dubbed the 'shelfie'. 一阵分享个人藏书照片的新风潮正席卷社交媒体,这种拍下个人藏书的行为叫作“书架自拍”。

10、The phenomenon--dubbed a 'digital hangover'--has increased thanks to the popularity of Facebook, Twitter and the spread of smartphones. 这种现象被称为“数码宿醉”,随着脸书、推特以及智能手机的普及,这种现象也越来越多。
