

九月的英文:September  读音:英 [sepˈtembə(r)]  美 [sepˈtembər]

固定短语:last September 去年九月  September winds 九月的风  September weather 九月的天气

the fifth of September 9月5日  birthday in September 九月的生日


1、September had come and the leaves were starting to fall. 已到九月了,树叶开始凋落。

2、We've had to put off our wedding until September. 我们只得把婚期推迟到九月。

3、The university will reach its target of 5 000 students next September. 这所大学将于下个九月达到在校学生5000人的目标。

4、The bridge was completed in September of the same year. 同年九月这座大桥竣工。

5、The long winter starts from September and ends next May. 漫长的冬天从九月开始,到次年五月结束。

6、North Americans celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday in September. 九月第一个星期一是北美的劳动节。

7、He wondered why Jim sent flowers to Ms Grey every September. 他想知道吉姆为什么每年九月都给格雷女士送花。

8、If people vote yes in September, then Scotland will become an independent country. 如果人民在九月的投票中选择yes,那么苏格兰讲成为独立的国家,这没有回头路。

9、Last September we welcomed our candidates of 2008 right here in this hall. 去年九月正是在这里我们为2008级HND学生举行了开学典礼。

10、The well dressing season spans from May through to late September. 水井装饰季从五月延续到九月末。
