
china is where u.s treasury secretary was yesterday . during a week-long trip to asia that he is taking , secretary stopped over in beijing .
they want to congress to tap into the 700-billion-dollar wall street bailout approved last month .
boss are making their case for money.
the bail hearing for madoff has been canceled for today , meaning he will remain free for the time being .
where u.s ..............这一句用意是什麽,看不懂? that he is taking 是什麽句式?
tap into 是什麽意思 , 有这种用法的吗? 为什麽这句有两个动词, want to 和 approved ?
make their case for money 有这样的用法吗?
这句一共用了三个FOR ,但我都不知道为何要用FOR ,真的求详解! 谢谢

这几条看上去像是 news threads(新闻线索)。其特点是不讲究文法,只是将关键信息提供给媒体。
china is where u.s treasury secretary was yesterday —— 文法上倒也没问题。where...从句作表语,关键词是 China。从句说明为什么 China 引起注意。

during a week-long trip to asia that he is taking —— 前面那个句号 “.” 没有道理。这句 during... 短语是前面句子的状语。that he is taking 是定语从句,修饰 a week-long trip。

tap into:牵线搭桥的意思。这句话是说要求国会让财长去北京时牵个线,把7千亿的救市款请北京帮忙。want是本句的谓语动词。后面的 approved 是分词结构做后置定语修饰 bailout(= ... bailout [that has been] approved [by congress] last month)

boss are making their case for money —— 此处 boss 应该是一个组织,指一群人。making their case 是说国会的那帮人正在通过一个法案。for money 就是通过这个法案的目的。

the bail hearing for madoff:为 Madoff(纽交会股票丑闻主角)保释举行的听证会
canceled for today:今天的听证会取消
for the time being:眼下(惯用法词组)。这句话意思是“这就是说马多夫眼下仍然是自由的”追问

把第四句中的FOR全改为at on in 行吗?


