
1.How's the weather today?
2.What' the weather like today?
3.How many storg-books do you have?
4.What's he doing?
5.What your father do?
6.What do you have on monday?
7.What're you going to do this weekend?
8.How do you go to school?
9.Is your monther a.....
10.What do you have on mon/tues.....
11.who's your teacher?
12.what' he like?
13.what in your classroom?
14.what's your favourite season?why?
14.your best friend
15.your school
16.your hobby

1 It's fine/rainy/cloudy.
2 和第一个一样的问天气,表述不同而已。
3 回答数字就可以了 storg-books你可能写错了 应该是story-books吧?译为故事书。
4 回答他正在做什么,比如说:He is watching TV.或者He is doing his homework.
5 问的是爸爸的职业,按事实回答就好了 。
6 没怎么见过这样的问法,是不是问周一吃了什么呢?
7 问这个周末做什么。可以说I am going to have a picnic./I am going to do some shopping.
8 问的是去学校用的什么交通工具。By bike./On foot.
9 是不是问妈妈是做什么的阿?不应该是monther而应该是mother
10 和6一样的
11 回答老师的名字
12 是不是What does he like?回答他喜欢什么。比如说:He likes to listen to music.
13 说说教室里有些什么 比如There are desks and chairs.
14 说说最喜欢的季节就好了阿。
15 介绍一下自己最好的朋友
16 介绍自己的学校
17 介绍自己的兴趣爱好
第1个回答  2006-06-06
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