

第1个回答  2022-11-07
问题一:致命魔术台词求英文版 A wise man told me: the obsession is a young man's game. -- Jonathan Nolan prestige
Do you want to find out the secret for now, but you can not find, because you have not really looking. You don't really want to know, you want to be fooled. -- Jonathan Nolan prestige
Behind every amazing magic has a dead bird. -- Jonathan Nolan prestige
You will never understand, why we do these. The audience knows the truth! The world is actually very simple, very poor, very real, from A to Z is true. But, if you can fool them, even if only for a second, then, you can get them interested in you. Then, you can se. Then, you can see something, that is, it was the look on their faces...... . -- Jonathan Nolan prestige
Sacrifice oneself is the price of a good trick. -- Jonathan Nolan prestige
No one cares about the disappearance of the people. -- Jonathan Nolan prestige
If you take my performance seriously, wouldn't clap, just scream. -- Jonathan Nolan prestige
你不懂我们为什么要变魔术?观众知道真相。现实既残酷又悲惨。没有奇迹,没有魔法。但是如果你能骗倒他们,即使只有一秒钟,就能让他们惊叹,然后你就能… 然后你就能看到非常特别的事。你真......>>

问题二:“化腐朽为神奇”英文怎么说 化腐朽为神奇
turn the foul and rotten into the rare and ethereal

问题三:“致命魔术”的读后感,用英语写500字,最好简单点的英语… The Prestige is a 2006 mystery thriller film directed by Christopher Nolan, with a screenplay adapted from Christopher Priest's 1995 World Fantasy Award-winning novel of the same name. The story follows Robert Angier and Alfred Borden, rival stage magicians in London at the beginning of the 20th century. Obsessed with creating the best stage illusion, they engage in petitive one-upmanship with tragic results.

The film features Hugh Jackman as Robert Angier, Christian Bale as Alfred Borden, and David Bowie as Nikola Tesla. It also stars Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson, Piper Perabo, Andy Serkis, and Rebecca Hall. The film reunites Nolan with actors Bale and Caine from Batman Begins, and returning cinematographer Wally Pfister, production designer Nathan Crowley, film score poser David Julyan, and editor Lee Smith.

Priest's epistolary novel was adapted to the screen by Nolan and his brother, Jonathan Nolan, using Nolan's distinctive nonlinear narrative structure. Themes of duality, obsession, sacrifice, and secrecy pervade the conflict. The film was released on October 20, 2006, receiving good reviews and strong box office results, and obtained Academy Award nominations for Best Cinematography and Best Art Direction. Along with The Illusionist and Scoop, The Prestige was one of three films in 2006 to explore the world of stage magicians.

问题四:一篇关于电影《致命魔术》的英文简介 The Prestige is a 2006 mystery thriller film directed by Christopher Nolan, with a screenplay adapted from Christopher Priest's 1995 World Fantasy Award-winning novel of the same name. The story follows Robert Angier and Alfred Borden, rival stage magicians in London at the beginning of the 20th century. Obsessed with creating the best stage illusion, they engage in petitive one-upmanship with tragic results.
The film features Hugh Jackman as Robert Angier, Christian Bale as Alfred Borden, and David Bowie as Nikola Tesla. It also stars Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson, Piper Perabo, Andy Serkis, and Rebecca Hall. The film reunites Nolan with actors Bale and Caine from Batman Begins, and returning cinematographer Wally Pfister, production designer Nathan Crowley, film score poser David Julyan, and editor Lee Smith.
Priest's epistolary novel was adapted to the screen by Nolan and his brother, Jonathan Nolan, using Nolan's distinctive nonlinear narrative structure. Themes of duality, obsession, sacrifice, and secrecy pervade the conflict. The film was released on October 20, 2006, receiving good reviews and strong box office results, and obtained Academy Award nominations for Best Cinematography and Best Art Direction. Along with The Illusionist and Scoop, The Prestige was one of three films in 2006 to explore the world of stage magicians.
这个是从 *** 上面找的简介...国内上不了 *** ...下面是中文(用机器翻译的 知道大概意思就行了)
致命魔术是2006年 神秘悬疑电影,由克里斯托弗诺兰执导,由克里斯托弗牧师氏1995年 世界奇幻奖殊荣的同名小说改编的剧本,在影片......>>

问题五:跪求!!!克里斯托弗・诺兰及其电影《致命魔术》的英文简介!!!!英文啊英文! 这里有,别人提问的,你看看有帮助不

问题六:谁有致命魔术的链接的,一直找不到,要英文的,不是国语的 2tu.cc/Html/GP11318#down 是求的下载链接吧?这个发音可选的。

问题七:电影,致命魔术,最好是中英字幕英文原声的,百度云 pan.baidu/...390941

问题八:帮忙找一篇关于电影《致命魔术》的英文简介 The story happened in the Victorian era when magic is very popular.
Two young and talented magicians are both very successful on their own stage.
The fuse is a *** all accident in which Angier's wife was killed indirectly by Borden in a magic performance. And since then the two have been cursed with vengeance and jealousy and suspicion.
they have bee bitter rivals who would do anything to the defeat each other. moral is replaced with ambition and greed, and at last the petition bees a game that involves scheme and murder.
at last of course the secret of the magic is revealed to the audience, which is very very scary, and the bad guy is punished, and the good guy got his daughter back.
休・杰克曼 Hugh Jackman ....伐Robert Angier
克里斯蒂安・贝尔 Christian Bale .....Alfred Borden
迈克尔・凯恩 Michael Caine .....Cutter
派珀・佩拉博 Piper Perabo .....Julia Angier
斯嘉丽・约翰逊 Scarlett Johansson .....Olivia Wens