谁能帮我把“she is my sin"歌词翻译一下呢……

看好 是歌词……不是名字……谢谢

She Is My Sin 她是我的罪 Take heed, dear heart, once apart 小心留意 亲爱的心 一旦分离 She can touch nor me nor you 她便无法触摸你或我 Dressed as one 剥去身上的皮毛 A wolf will betray a lamb 灰狼将背叛那羊羔 Lead astray the gazers 引导迷途的人们 The razors on your seducing skin 剃刀就在你诱惑的肌肤上 In the meadow of sinful thoughts 抱持罪念的草地 Every flower's perfect world 每朵鲜花都是个完美的世界 To paradise with pleasure haunted... 那快感缠绕的天堂 haunted by fear 被恐惧缠绕…… A sin for him 为他犯下的罪 Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念 A burning veil for the bride too dear for him 深爱他的新娘燃烧着她的面纱 A sin for him 为他犯下的罪 Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念 Fall in love with your deep dark sin 带着你那深重的罪过坠入爱河 I am the Fallen 我在坠落 You are what my sins enclose 你是引诱我犯罪的圈套 Lust is not as creative As its discovery 淫欲中找不到发明创造 To paradise with pleasure haunted... 那快感缠绕的天堂 haunted by fear 被恐惧缠绕…… A sin for him 为他犯下的罪 Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念 A burning veil for the bride too dear for him 深爱他的新娘燃烧着她的面纱 A sin for him 为他犯下的罪 Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念 Fall in love with your deep dark sin 带着你那深重的罪过坠入爱河 Bless me, undress me 祝福我 脱光我 Pick your prey in a wicked way 用那邪恶的方式选择你的祭品 God I must confess 天啊我必须忏悔 I do envy the sinners 我确实嫉妒那些有罪的人 A sin for him... 为他犯下的罪 Desire within... 饱含欲望 A burning veil... For the bride too dear for him... 深爱他的新娘燃烧着她的面纱 A sin for him 为他犯下的罪 Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念 A burning veil for the bride too dear for him 深爱他的新娘燃烧着她的面纱 A sin for him 为他犯下的罪 Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念 Fall in love with your deep dark sin 带着你那深重的罪过坠入爱河……
第1个回答  2014-08-10
"she is my sin" 意思是:她是我的罪过 Take heed, dear heart 注意,亲爱的心 Once apart, she can touch nor me nor you 一旦分开,她可以触摸,也没有我也没有你 Dressed as one 打扮成一个 A wolf will betray a lamb 狼会背叛羔羊 Lead astray the gazers 铅误入歧途的gazers The razors on your seducing skin 在剃须刀上的诱惑皮肤 In the meadow of sinful thoughts 在草甸罪孽深重的想法 Every flower is a perfect one 每花是一个完美的人 To paradise with pleasure haunted, haunted by fear 天堂很高兴困扰,恐惧所困扰 A sin for him 一种罪过,他 Desire within 内欲望 Desire within 内欲望 A burning veil 着火的面纱 For the bride too dear for him 对于亲爱的新娘也为他 A sin for him 一种罪过,他 Desire within 内欲望 Desire within 内欲望 Fall in love with your deep dark sin 爱上你的罪孽深黑暗 I am the Fallen 我的堕落 You are what my sins enclose 你就是我的罪过附上 Lust is not as creative 欲望是没有创造性 As its discovery 正如其发现 To paradise with pleasure haunted, haunted by fear 天堂很高兴困扰,恐惧所困扰 A sin for him 一种罪过,他 Desire within 内欲望 Desire within 内欲望 A burning veil 着火的面纱 For the bride too dear for him 对于亲爱的新娘也为他 A sin for him 一种罪过,他 Desire within 内欲望 Desire within 内欲望 Fall in love with your deep dark sin 爱上你的罪孽深黑暗 Bless me, undress me 上帝保佑我,我脱下衣服 Pick your prey in a wicked way 挑选您的猎物在邪恶的道路 God I must confess 上帝,我必须承认 I do envy the sinners 我不羡慕罪人 A sin for him 一种罪过,他 Desire within 内欲望 A burning veil 着火的面纱 For the bride too dear for him 对于亲爱的新娘也为他 A sin for him 一种罪过,他 Desire within 内欲望 Desire within 内欲望 A burning veil 着火的面纱 For the bride too dear for him 对于亲爱的新娘也为他 A sin for him 一种罪过,他 Desire within 内欲望 Desire within 内欲望 Fall in love with your deep dark sin... 爱上你的深黑暗罪恶...本回答被提问者采纳