
Dear editor,
I'm a student in junior 3 . When I have bad experience, I feel very sad. It usually takes me a long times to become happy again. I don't know how to stop these unhappy feelings, What should I do?
Wang Jun
Dear Wang Jun:
Many things around us may affect our feeling or moods. It is important for us to learn to deal with our problems . here are some suggestions.
Best wishes,
Ms. Liu


Dear Wang Jun:
Many things around us may affect our feeling or moods. It is important for us to learn to deal our problems, here are some suggestions.

Talking usually help a lot. You can talk to your parents or friends about your bad experience, tell them how you feel inside. Or if you think it is inappropriate to talk of a particular experience to the above-mentioned people, you can always come to me for help. We'll talk it out and work the problem through. Traveling or going outside in general also helps to take your mind off the negative feelings and thoughts, which is a very good idea should you have the time. But whatever you do, you should never brood. You should not focus on your negative feelings and let it grow until it has taken over your life. Then you will have started down a path that almost certainly leads to depression. Be warned, my child.

Best Wishes,
Ms. Liu