



Marco 是贝斯手啦,贝斯啊,不是吉他!!!!!!


Name: 姓名
Marco Tapani Hietala
Birthday: 生日 14.01.1966
Place of residence: 出生地 Kerava, Finland
Hobbies: 兴趣 Sci-fi, fantasy & horror books and movies, Videogaming 科幻小说,恐怖小说及电影,TVgame~(呵~不知道Marco大叔喜欢玩哪类游戏)
Vices: 缺点 Still lazy 懒
Musical background: 音乐背景 Active musical family background. I´ve been exposed to jazz, rock and classical ever since I was born. I´ve been playing guitar and bass since the age of 12. 3 years of classical guitar, vocal and musical theory studies in musical college. 2 more years of bass and musical theory lessons in Oulunkylä Pop and Jazz Conservatory. 活跃的音乐世家。从我出生那时起我被迫(瞧这词用的。。悲惨的童年?)学习爵士,摇滚,古典乐。我在12,3岁那年就已经开始在音乐学校学习演奏吉他,贝司还有乐理。之后的2年在Oulunkylä Pop和Jazz Conservatory.学习了更多的贝司和乐理 Marco 同样是Tarot乐队的主唱,同样参加了首支芬兰四支乐队主唱组成的美声重金属团体Northern Kings
Equipment: 装备 Warwick infinity basses and Warwick amps Warwick贝司和Warwick音箱
Idols in music: 音乐偶像 These people are/have been good at what they do. Bass: Geezer Butler, Bob Daisley. Vocals: Ronnie James Dio, Rob Halford, Kate Bush. 做那些自己擅长的事情的人们(后面的都是人名)
Idols in life: 生活偶像 Neil Armstrong. (The first man to walk on the moon, or an obscure patch of desert in states, as some people claim). 阿姆斯特朗(美国宇航员,1969年7月登陆月球,成为第一个登上月球的地球人)
Life philosophy: 生活哲学 Live and let live. 待人宽, 人亦待己宽
Place you would like to go: 想去的地方 Space. 太空 What makes you laugh: 能使你发笑的 Tickling. 骼肢 First record you bought: 买的第一张专辑 Me and my brother pestered our father into buying the Rainbow album "Long live rock´n´roll". The first that I bought with my own money was probably Iron Maiden "Killers" or Black Sabbath "Mob rules". Can´t remember which. 我和我的兄弟缠着我爸爸帮我们买Rainbow的Long live rock´n´roll,第一次我用自己的钱买的专辑是 Iron Maiden 的Killers或者是Black Sabbath 的Mob rules,记不清了
All time top 5 albums: 永远的前5张专辑 Rainbow: Long Live Rock´n´Roll, Black Sabbath: Heaven and Hell, Judas Priest: Painkiller, Thin Lizzy: Live ´n´Dangerous, Deep purple: Burn. And then there´s a hell of a load of other albums that I like as much as these. Personal highlight with Nightwish:在NW中的亮点 The album "Once" and the success that kept on growing and surpassing all our expectations. 《Once》大获成功,销量持续增长超越了我们的期望
Place you would like to go: 想去的地方 Wacken,Hammersmith,Hartwall arena Helsinki 德国的Wacken , 英国的Hammersmith , 芬兰的Hartwall arena Helsinki Killing time on tour:在巡回演出中如何打发时间 Books, movies, videogames, occasional drink? 看书,电影,TVgame,偶尔喝杯饮料? Strangest experience on tour: 在巡回演出中最前所未有的经历 Hey, it´s all strange! 嘿,所有的东西都很奇怪! (所谓的大千世界,无奇不有?)
Worst nightmare on stage: 舞台上最糟糕的恶梦 Losing the voice. 失去声音
Worst nightmare in general: 生活中最糟糕的恶梦 Something bad would happen to my family when I´m away, and couldn´t do anything. 当我不在的时候,不好的事情发生在我的家庭,我无能为力
Favorite Nightwish song: 最喜欢的NW的歌曲 The Siren. Favorite band/musician: 最喜欢的乐队,歌手 I don´t have an actual favourite anymore, but Black Sabbath and the way Tony Iommi wrote his riffs have definetely influenced the way I see music and play myself. 一般不怎么称得上是最喜欢,但是Black Sabbath 还有Tony Iomm写他即兴表演的歌曲的方式给我留下了很深的影响
Favorite book: 喜欢的书 Yep, The lord of the rings. Is this a cliche or what? 呃..指环王。很俗嘛?(还好吧。) Favorite drink:喜欢的饮料 Lager beer 啤酒
Favorite food:喜欢的食物 Finnish sausage called "lenkki" 被叫做lenkki的芬兰香肠
Favorite movie: 喜欢的电影 Still the original Star Wars Trilogy. 还是最早的星战3部曲
Favorite TV show: 喜欢的电视剧 I think that the TV is just a natural extension of a DVD-player or a game console. Otherwise it´s basically a waste of time. I´ll still go for the Babylon 5. There might be something better these days, but this one made an impact on me. 我认为电视机只是DVD和电视游戏的周边产物,否则那基本是浪费时间,我一般只看看Babylon 5。现在可能有所改善,但是依然只有那个台比较能打动我 Dumbest question you have ever been asked:被问过的最难以回答的问题 Would you give me your own and your bandmates birthdates, adresses and phonenumbers? 你能给我你和你乐队成员的生日,地址还有联系电话嘛?
Favorite drink: 喜欢的饮料 Oh yeah! The occasional drink. Best Nightwish show so far: 目前为止NW最好的演出 There´s been way too many great shows for me to pick just one. Greatest recently in 2005 were probably Wacken Germany, Hammersmith England, Hartwall arena Helsinki Finland just to mention a few. 对我来说最好的演出太多了,很难挑出一个说.要说最近的可能会是Wacken(在德国),Hammersmith(在英国),Hartwall arena Helsinki(在芬兰)

我个人最喜欢 Wish I Had An Angle....其他的话 是 Nightwish 的都喜欢
第1个回答  2010-07-18
Wish I Had An Angle不用说了
另一首 High Hopes
最爱的 While Your Lips Are Still Red (BSide)
塔姐合唱的 Planet Hell
新主唱A姐和的 The islander,不过还是大叔主唱的
经典之作啊,翻唱歌剧魅影的 Phantom Of The Opera ,要找演唱会版本的,那上面大叔对唱