TS/16949审核表中 ET ,PT,SOP表示什么意思



1、ET阶段(Engineering Trial,工程调试——设计验证阶段):在车型开发初期,有设计公司对白车身的精度以及各个空位的精度进行验证和修正的阶段。

2、PT阶段(Production Trial,生产调试——生产验证阶段):在通过了设计公司的设计验证后,在小批量的生产过程中,对车身的线上可操作性、零件的品质及包装的标准化进行验证和改善阶段。


4、 SOP阶段(Start Of Production,小批量生产阶段):各项验证完成,进入投放市场的小批量生产。
第1个回答  2010-07-16
  Dear HR Leadership:
  Recently learned that your company is recruiting a post production engineer, I would like to try their luck. Allow me to introduce myself, to disturb your precious time!


  Intention job: manager or production engineer.
  Name: aa
  Exit and Entry: aa
  Sex: Male
  Profession: Chemical Engineering and Technology
  Date of Birth: February 7, 1980
  Education: College in June 2001 and graduated from College of Engineering XX
  (Correspondence is now Nanjing University of Chemical Engineering undergraduate)
  Tel: xxxxxxx
  E-Mail: xxxx
  Work experience: 8 years working experience in chemical industry
  Now position: regular day shift Production Supervisor
  Inaugural experience: the production of craft
  Shift in charge
  Regular day shift charge
  An overview of the individual ability:
  1. Familiar with production processes in the production of gas formaldehyde fixed-bed reactor technology, synthesis of chloro-methane production process, trioxane production process, including the process of flash concentrator, the reaction and the reaction of one distillation tower, extraction column, packed tower, bubble cap tower, ordinary distillation, shielding pumps, reciprocating pumps, centrifugal pump, multistage pump, steam jet pump, centrifugal blower, Roots blower, such as the commissioning and operation of equipment.
  2. Familiar with the utility installed with activated sludge wastewater treatment process, screw compressed air equipment, preparation of molecular sieve nitrogen devices, preparation of yin and yang resin water tower installations.
  3. Operation and quality adjustment control, to use PDCA rules and practices in the seven QC tools for the guidance of some of their work.
  4. Familiar with DCS, PLC process control environment, and from the perspective of improving the control process.
  5. 6S familiar with the scene management, and to develop effective 6S and give the implementation of improvement plans.
  6. TS16949 system studied, to develop the general management of the standardization of documents, as well as the production process of SOP.
  7. A preliminary understanding of and participation in ISO14001 environmental control system and ERP enterprise resource planning to have a preliminary understanding.
  8. To the production of relevant documents, for staff training in effective security.
  9. To provide a complete, effective production planning, material requirements planning, material planning inventory indicators; deal with production, quality, material unusual accident.
  10. The production of the recipients of the workshop materials, material loss control tracking, audit.

  The contents of the current post:
  1. To develop and modify the course of production process related to SOP, revision and adjustment of process parameters.
  2. Revise and update the PID map.
  3. DCS control methods to adjust and correct PID parameters.
  4. Through the development of a number of QC charts to control and track product quality and production process control.
  5. The collection of some of the production process, and organizations met to discuss solutions to develop into the relevant documents, training staff to operate.
  6. A new factory to process the staff training.
  7. To assist the production manager of the factory 6S promote project management.
  8. To help promote the facility ESH Division PHA project management.

  Economic tide in the market today, I am deeply aware of what is needed now is not only a diploma, but the actual capability of the need to have a certain talent, in which, under the guidance of thinking, I still firmly believe that the pragmatic truth. The same pressures and opportunities, the talent market competition has become tighter, as well as the desire to come to the fore, prompted me to seek quality in their own enrichment and improvement.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  推荐于2017-09-18
1、ET阶段(Engineering Trial,工程调试——设计验证阶段):在车型开发初期,有设计公司对白车身的精度以及各个空位的精度进行验证和修正的阶段。
2、PT阶段(Production Trial,生产调试——生产验证阶段):在通过了设计公司的设计验证后,在小批量的生产过程中,对车身的线上可操作性、零件的品质及包装的标准化进行验证和改善阶段。
4、 SOP阶段(Start Of Production,小批量生产阶段):各项验证完成,进入投放市场的小批量生产。