英语翻译 不要翻译器的 谢谢


On the afternoon, I'm doing my homework at home.Suddenlly,I heard somebody knocking the door.Looking out through window!A man standing there at the door.He is very tall and has broad shoulders,
About fifty years of age.He was wearing a uniform,And the hat wears so down that can't see his face clearly.His moustache is very long
,His big shoes broken.There is a hole in dis sock,One hand carrying a box.Only through take a good look at,He is my old neighbour ten years ago.
第1个回答  2010-07-17
One afternoon, you're home homework when someone knocks on the door, looked at the gate stands a tall shoulder very wide men, aged about 50 years old, was dressed in military uniform, hat whisper that he couldn't face long beard, at the foot of a pair of big shoes, socks, a hole, a black box, a close look at realized that he was 10 years ago, the old neighbourhood.
第2个回答  2010-07-17
One afternoon, you are doing your homework at home. Suddenly, someone knock the door. When you look out through the window, you find that a tall man with a wide shoulder stand at the door. He is about 50 years old, wearing a uniform of arm. His hat is so low that his face cannot be seen clearly. He has a large beard, and a big but ragged shoe under his feet. he has a black box in his hand. You didn't recognize that he is an old neighbour ten years ago until you look him carefully.
第3个回答  2010-07-17
One afternoon,you were doing homework at home when a person knocked the door。Look out the window,you saw a man who was tall and had a wide shoulder stood outside the door。he was about 50 years old,and wore a uniform。Because of his hat was so low that i couldn't see his appearance clearly。his mustache was very long。and there was a pair of big broken shoes on his feet。His socks had a hole on it。He had a black box in his hand。when you lookde him carefully,you found,he was your old neighbor ten years ago!
第4个回答  2010-07-17
One afternoon, you were doing homework at home when someone knocked on the door. When seeing outside, you saw that a tall man with broad shoulders standing in the doorway. He was about 50 with a military uniform. He lowered his hat so much that you couldn't see his face clearly. His moustache is very long with a pair of big and broken shoes. He carried a black suitcase and his socks broke with a hole. After careful identification, I knew he was my old neighborhood ten years ago.