

第1个回答  2013-12-17
与外国人交流要注意很多的,因为第一不能涉及个人隐私(年龄,工资等),不谈政治等。可以聊:天气,兴趣爱好,旅游,运动(锻炼身体)食物,植物,介绍某物等。如:外国老师经常会这样问:Do you have any topics (主题)?1.DO you like the weather in China?如果回答yes.接着问How do you like it ?如果NO就问WHY?2.What's your hobby?3.how do you like travelling ?(where have you been to ?Do you want to the Great Wall ?)4.Would youn please introduce something about your country?5.Do you like playing table tennis?(随便一种体育项目)how do you think that it can make us healthy.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-12-17
1:what are you doing?
2:what's the matter?
3:hao old are you?
4:what's the name?
5:hao are you?
第3个回答  2013-12-17
can you answer my question?what's your name?can you spell it?can you help me?how to speck english well?