would rather的三种用法


would rather的三种用法如下:

1. 表达现在或将来的愿望和偏好:“Would rather” 用于表达现在或将来的愿望、偏好或选择。在这种用法中,它通常后接动词原形。例如:

I would rather stay at home than go to the party.(我宁愿待在家里,也不愿意去参加派对。)

She would rather you didn't mention it to anyone.(她希望你不要把这事告诉别人。)

2. 表达过去的愿望和遗憾:在过去时态中,“would rather” 用于表达过去的愿望、偏好或遗憾,通常后接动词的过去式。例如:

I would rather you had told me the truth.(我希望你当初告诉了我实情。)

He would rather have taken the earlier flight.(他宁愿搭乘早一班的航班。)

3. 与“than”连用,表达比较:“Would rather” 还可以与“than”连用,表示与某事相比更愿意选择另一种情况。在这种用法中,“would rather” 后接动词原形,而“than”引导后面的另一种选择。例如:

She would rather walk than take the bus.(她宁愿走路,也不愿意坐公交车。)

I would rather be alone than in bad company.(我宁愿独处,也不愿和坏人为伍。)

总的来说,“would rather” 是一个表达愿望和偏好的常用短语,在不同语境下有不同的用法。通过掌握这三种主要用法,你可以更准确地在交流中表达自己的愿望和选择。
