
哪位大师给帮下忙啊 软件翻译的得给我改改啊 老多语病

第1个回答  2009-06-22
Jinan City is an established real estate office building. In China, a large number of existing buildings, high energy consumption and the thermal insulation envelope poor. In this paper, building energy consumption in our country's basic conditions, set out to promote the urgency of building energy conservation and the need for an analysis of the status of building energy saving and a major problem. Jinan City real estate office for the transformation, the paper by comparing the PUF, XPS, EPS of the advantages and disadvantages, and ultimately selected a polyurethane insulation material for the main exterior insulation and finish systems. According to Luo Bao-board integrated system, as well as their own advantages floor of City property characteristics, this paper theoretical calculations Bao Luo board finalized the integration of systems (polyurethane 25mm, air layer 25mm) as the best rehabilitation programs. Finally, the actual test data collation and analysis, and real estate office in Jinan City in the transformation of the situation before and after a comparative analysis.
Key words: existing building; polyurethane; Lo Po plate; exterior insulation and finish systems; real estate office