
分别以<Food>. <Meting somebody for the first time>. <Travel>为题.尽量简单.AB两人一人十句.如果是转载希望注明出处,原创有奖励

第1个回答  2009-06-27
a. what type of food do you like?
b. I like vegetables, say bulk choy, carrot. I don't eat meat.
a.Why not eat meat?
b.Well, that's because i'm a vegetarian.


a.I today saw her, a beautiful girl
b. who's her name?
a. Nancy. a glamour puss. I fell in love with her at the first sight.
b. well. You're so affectionate. good lucky to your first sight love.
a.thank you. but She is a little haught, though beautiful
b. Well, I'm your mate. I just speak out my opinions. don't make a judgement by her look.
a. ok. thank you for your advise.


a. I'd like to have a trip. I'm looking for a partner.
b. Great. a partner to go with you?
a.yes. we go to Tibet.
b. Sorry. you're just crazy. Tibet is too far from Shanghai.
a.but we can catch a plane.
b. Sorry, I've got hypertension. I can stand the enviroment, temperature and climate there.
a.that's fine. I'll seek others.
第2个回答  2009-06-27
第3个回答  2009-06-27
Wang: Hi, Lucy! Welcome to China.
Lucy: Hi Wang. Nice to meet you.
Wang: So what do you want to do tommorrow?
Lucy: I will go to a Chinese restaurent with my family. I have heared that the Chinese food is very delicious.
Wang: Yes, you are quite right. Chinese food enjoy great popularity in the world. There is a joke that "The most enjoyable life in the world is to live in British house, marry a Japanese wife and employ a Chinese chef."
Lucy: Really? That's funny. So what's the features of the Chinese food?
Wang: The Chinese food is characterized as "Good-looking,sweet-smelling, tasty and nutritive." Besides, foods are different in different regions. Wheat and salty foods are preveiling in the north while rice and sweet foods in the south.
Lucy: en..it sounds good. I would love to taste all of that.
Wang: Yes, sure, I am sure you will love it.

<Meting somebody for the first time>.
Tom: Hi. I don't think we've met. My name's Tom.
Jenny: Hi, Tom. Nice to meet you. My name is Juanita, but everybody calls me Jenny.
Tom: Nice to meet you, Jenny. So, where are you from?
Jenny: Well, originally I'm from Argentina, but we moved to the United States when I was about five years old. My parents now live in Chile. That's were they first met. How about you, Tom?
Tom: I was born in Fresno, California, and we lived there until I was seven. Then, since my father worked for the military, we moved all over the place.
Jenny: Oh yeah? Where are some of the places you've lived?
Tom: Mostly, we were overseas. We spent a total of ten years in Korea, Germany, and Okinawa, Japan. We were transferred back to the States three years ago, but I think my parents would have stayed, let's say, another 20 years had it not been for my education.
Jenny: Wow. It sounds like you've had an interesting life. So, what do you do now?
Tom: I'm a student at Purdue University.
Jenny: Oh really? What are you studying?
Tom: I'm majoring in psychology. How about you? What do you do?
Jenny: Well, I'm working as a sales representative for Vega Computers downtown.
Tom: No kidding! My brother works there too.

Clerk Hello, can I help you?


Sam Hello. I would like to book a day tour for my friend and me.


Clerk Sure. Which ones are you interested in?


Sam We wanna go snow boarding and I saw several different tours.


Clerk Yeah, I suggest this one to Nanshan. First, their equipment is new. Second, the price is reasonable. Third, a coach is included free for every two people who book.


Sam What about the one in the picture?


Clerk Jundushan Ski Resort is a famous mountain but the equipment is not as new as at Nanshan.


Sam OK. We'll go for Nanshan then.
