

请大家 不要 通过网上的翻译工具来翻译!!!

1. 在学校里,我们应该自己做一切事情:

At school, we should do everything ourselves.
In school, we should accomplish everything by ourselves.

2. 我和菲尔在许多事情上意见不一致:

I disagree with Phil on many topics.
Phil and I disagree on many aspects of things.

3. 在太阳底下看书对你的眼睛不好:

Reading under the sun is bad for your eyes.
It's bad for your eyes if you read using sunlight.

4. 当我走进教室时他们停止了说话:

They stopped talking when I walked in the classroom.
When I walked in the classroom, they stopped talking.

5. 问题是我们都认为作业太多:

The problem is that we all think we have too much homework.
The problem is that we all believe we have too much homework.

第1个回答  2009-08-15
1. In school, we should do everything ourselves.
2. Phil and I have different opinions on a lot of things.
3. Reading under the sun is not good for your eyes.
4. They stopped talking the moment I walked into the classroom.
5. The problem is that we think there are too much assignments.
第2个回答  2009-08-15
1. In school, we should do everything ourselves.
2. Phil and I have different advice on a lot of things.
3. Reading under the sun is bad for your eyes.
4. They stopped talking the moment I walked into the classroom.
5. The problem is that we think there are too much homework.
第3个回答  2009-08-15
We should do everything by ourselves in the school.
I do not agree with Fill in many things.
It is bad for your eyes reading under the sun.
They stopped talking while I was walking in the class.
The key is that they think there are too much homework for us.