

第1个回答  2021-12-02
防身术讲究速成,而速成的东西都不那么靠谱。靠谱的防身课程,周期得长,训练得苦。而且往往不专门叫防身了都。巴柔有粉红带体系,是格雷西体系里专门针对女性学员的防身体系。而在它通篇的介绍中没有过度吹嘘它的防身功能,而着重于为了得到它付出的努力。WHAT IS THE PINK BELT?July 5, 2012A word from Women Empowered instructor, Eve GracieAs with every program in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (Gracie Combatives, Master Cycle and Gracie Bullyproof) awarding belts is the traditional way to acknowledge progress and accomplishment. With the development of the Gracie Women Empowered program, the pink belt was created to acknowledge completion and mastery of the course. It not only symbolizes dedication to the techniques of the program, but also an understanding of the philosophy that is essential for survival in life-threatening scenarios. We hope that this reflexive understanding of both the philosophy and techniques will instill a confidence in women that reduces their risk of ever becoming a target in the first place. Since the program was created we have watched women dedicate countless hours to earning their pink belt, and with every pink belt earned, the value and prestige of this belt has become undeniable. Understandably, some women have asked, "Why was pink the color chosen for the belt?" When selecting the belt color, pink came to us as the only distinct common color not yet used in jiu-jitsu belt promotions (white, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, brown, black, red had all been taken). Because the techniques and philosophy of the Women Empowered program differ from the general Gracie Jiu-Jitsu curriculum, we felt that introducing a distinctly colored belt would be a way to symbolize the uniqueness of the program. Initially we realized that tying the pink belt to the Women Empowered program could be seen as too gender specific and therefore limiting, but when we consider the fact that women are encouraged to continue earning all Gracie Jiu-Jitsu belts from blue to black, it became clear that the pink belt isn't a limitation at all, but rather a beginning for many women who might have never otherwise given Gracie Jiu-Jitsu a chance.With a program as enlightening and empowering as this one, I hope that the pink belt, and all that it takes to earn it, will bring power to a color that some view as uniquely feminine, or even "weak." In martial arts, the meaning of the belt is not determined by its color, but rather, the amount of time, sweat, and dedication that goes into earning it. For me, and other dedicated students of the Women Empowered program who have devoted countless hours to earning our pink belts, it has become synonymous with strength, technique, and empowerment.- Eve Gracie, Women Empowered Instructor类似的,柔道里也有讲道馆护身术。就不详细介绍了。防身体系,讲究的更多是生存的策略。如果没有这些而只是讲各种反击技术的,大概率是骗子。