
open (1,file = 'out')
write(*,*) 'input : m'
read(*,*) m
write(*,*) 'input : n'
read(*,*) n

I was so surprised to find there is still the one who makes fortran language alive!!!

That's good news for me at least.

I am here to try fortran 95 to explain your question (assumed you use this version other rather 77) under linux OS environment.

For more detail in I/O statement, fortran documentation is always a good place to give it a go!

[open]    --->    open a file called 'out' and mark it as integer 1.

[write]    --->    write a string 'input: m' into file 'out' supposed, despite 1 should replace *.

[read]    --->    read the content from your target file, which is supposed to be file marked as 1

for the sake of better understanding fortran I/O statement, I wrote a sample code combined with above command.

        program write4read
        implicit none
            integer, parameter      :: n=4;
            integer                 :: i;
            integer, dimension(1:n) :: a;
!                                           |
!                                           |--- file status
!                                           |--- existed file

!                                           |
!                                           |--- file status
!                                           |--- new file
            do i=1,n
                read(10,100) a(i)
!               read 'data.txt'
                write(20,100) a(i)
!               write a(i) into 'data-copy.txt'

                print*, a(i)
!               print a(i) on terminal screen
                100 format (I3)
!       close 'data.txt'
!       close 'data-copy.txt'
        end program write4read

Before you run this code, just ensure you save 'data.txt' file in the same directory of this fortran code.



The running result should display as
