

Firstly, it is part of the policy of depreciation of the dollar the United States hope and connive under the backdrop of its rapidly expanding current account deficit

  Secondly, some U.S. policymakers that RMB was pegged exchange rate system, a number of other Asian countries and regions with similar systems, or in the foreign exchange market to buy dollars to prevent a large number of currency appreciation, have a major impact.

  In addition, the United States some people believe that the past two years China's economy is in the process of rapid growth, the Chinese Government is committed to the implementation of macroeconomic regulation and control, elimination of an overheated economy, this time to put pressure on China, or "Xiaoyilihai", will be easier to achieve its achieve the goal of the appreciation of the RMB against the U.S. dollar.

  Meanwhile, the United States and some policy-makers believe that China's undervalued currency is being borrowed, step in Japan and Asia's "Four Little Dragons"'s footsteps and take the export-oriented growth path; the United States in the past has successfully pushed the currency to appreciate that they will also want to on the yuan, "repetition of old tactics."
第1个回答  2010-01-09
楼上是google 翻译的吧 都是错误 亚洲四小龙是---four tigers 哎
楼主着急么 不急等我把我的事做完给你翻
第2个回答  2010-01-20