

我在博雅学做人,让老师喜欢,让同学欢迎;  我在博雅学做人,让爸妈喜欢,让朋友欢迎。  啦啦啦啦啦啦,(白)“首孝悌,次谨信;泛爱众,而亲仁。”  我们一起在博雅学做人,
我在博雅学文明,学听说读写,学加减除乘。;  我在博雅学文明,学A、B、C、D,学书画歌琴。  啦啦啦啦啦啦,(白)“玉不琢,不成器;子不学,不知义。”  我们一起在博雅学文明。
I am studing in Boya,
making teachers happy,making friends happy.  I am studing in Boya,  making daddy happy,making mum happy.  LaLaLa,LaLaLa!  (白)First, obey and care for your parents, and then practice true brotherhood.Learn to be careful and honest, and cherish all living beings.  We are studing together in Boya!
I am learning civilization in Boya,  learning to read and write heard, Math and Science;  I am learning civilization in Boya,  learning A、B、C、D and painting 、calligraphy、song、instrument.  LaLaLa,LaLaLa!  (白)Jade that has not been polished cannot be used.Person that has not studied cannot know righteousness.  We are learning civilization together in Boya!
