

In the picture,I can see a child shouting at his dad,while his dad seems to be helpless.This reminds me of sth in my life.
The child in the picture shows no respect to his parents and is rude to them.This slightly touches the bottom of my heart and makes me feel ashamed.In my life,I also sometimes quarrel with my parents,shouting at them,without considering their feelings.Looking at the dad's helplessness in the picture makes me regret with what I have done.
From now on,I will work hard and devote myself in respecting and loving my parents.
第1个回答  2010-01-31
In front me is a picture,in which a child is shouting at his father who is looking very sad.Looking at the picture,I feel very ashamed.I didn't show respect to my parents either.I didn't help them with the housework and had a quarrel with them from time to time,shouting at them and not caring about their feelings.The picture lets me know I have done something wrong.I should not have treated my parents in such an impolite way.Hower,from now on,I make up my mind to respect and care for my parents.I will study hard to get good marks to repay(回报) them.

第2个回答  2010-01-31
From the pictures, I can see a child in front of his father yelling, and his father, his face was helpless look.
It made me think about keeping things in life.
The picture of the kids do not know how to respect parents and their parents have no manners. It made me so ashamed. In life, I sometimes argue with their parents, yelling for them, while ignoring their feelings. The father looked at the picture helpless expression on his old made me ashamed of the mistakes.
From now on, I must study hard, honor their parents!
第3个回答  2010-01-31
哥惭愧 忠孝不能两全