





In January 2020, novel coronavirus was attacked in Wuhan, Hubei. Among the many angels in white who are fighting against the virus and saving lives, I have noticed a 84 year old man with gray hair. He is academician Zhong Nanshan whom I admire most.




The novel coronavirus is highly infectious. It is infected with the virus and is dangerous when it is heavy. You have been appointed commander in chief of the "war epidemic" by the state. 

When you went to Wuhan, when you were interviewed by reporters, you earnestly warned the people of the whole country: "nothing, don't go to Wuhan." Then he boarded the high-speed rail without hesitation. 

The photos of you taking a rest on the high-speed rail seat make people all over the country moved and tearful. 

After arriving in Wuhan, you have repeatedly appealed through the media to everyone to pay attention to safety and isolation, but you have put yourself into the battle without gunsmoke regardless of your personal safety.


Academician Zhong Nanshan, I admire you! You have succeeded in carrying out an assignment, go forward with great strength and vigour, and novel coronavirus, which has caused the destruction of human beings, and have already sown a sharp sword. 

It is a great blood for Wuhan, for the motherland and for humanity.


Academician Zhong Nanshan, I admire you! Not only you, but also tens of thousands of angels in white who participated in the "war epidemic" like you and ran retrogradely to the most dangerous battlefield. You are the most beautiful Chinese, thank you!

第1个回答  2021-07-28


Academician Zhong Nanshan has been engaged in medical treatment, teaching and scientific research of respiratory medicine for a long time. Focus on the standardized diagnosis and treatment of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, respiratory failure and common diseases of respiratory system。

and the monitoring and treatment of difficult diseases, rare diseases and critical respiratory diseases. The existence of occult asthma was confirmed for the first time. The success rate of diagnosis of chronic unexplained cough in the research institute he led was 85%, and the success rate of rescue in intensive care unit was 91%.


以其名字命名的广州医科大学及广东实验中学“南山班”是示范性教学集体,领衔的教师团队被认定为首批“全国高校黄大年式教师团队”,为呼吸疾病领域培养了大量接班人 。钟南山从教数十年,是一位桃李满天下、锐意创新的教学名师。



第2个回答  2020-04-05
第3个回答  2020-07-01
Zhongnan shan primary school.