
On each side of a unit square,an equilateral triangle of side length 1 is constructed.On each new side of each equilateral triangle,another equilateral triangle of side length 1 is constructed.The interiors of the square and the 12 triangles have no points in common.Let R be the smallest convex polygon that contains R.What is the area of the region that is inside S but outside R?
A 1/4 B √2/4 C 1 D√3 E 2√3
Let R be the region formed by the union of the square and all the triangles,and let S be the smallest convex polygon that contains R.要有解答过程和讲解啊!谢谢!!~

where is the S?

Let R be the smallest convex polygon that contains R? 




第1个回答  2010-02-11
按这个题的叙述。。。选项里没有我作出的答案。。。 你看看题哪里是不是搞错了。。。。? 我想了好久啊。。。。。、 可能我木有做对 但是交流一下或许可以对你提供帮助。。。。

呃 你改了。。。

但是我还是没有作出选项里的答案来。。。。 我算的是3-√3