

十二少: (抓住路人甲)Who is that lady?
路人甲: Fleur, you don’t know?
十二少:(上前,惊呆)Let me have a look.
十二少: Her beauty is just like her name! (在路人甲处拿起花束,直接走到如花前,如花跳至第一段停) Even the prettiest flower shall yield to your striking fair.(如花望了一望)
十二少: I am 12th master Chan Bon, I am…(被打断)
如花:12th or 2nd in line?
十二少: I am the second son.
如花: What is the profession?十二少: My family owns three seafood stores in Nam Pak Hong. My cousins live with us too.
如花: Born with a Silver spoon..good family background..
十二少: (笑)so….
如花: I have seen many playboys like you, most of which lack originality and sincerity. If there is not a bunch of flowers, then it must be a big house. If there is not a pile of golds, then it must be a car. However, you have something a little bit special. Ha Ha ~~~You are endowed with a good face.
十二少: Well, I still have something to boast!
(如花在花窗前停下) 如花: Now, you know who I am. (走上桌子,坐下)
十二少:(十二少一呆)So beautiful a girl, so special a girl, I love her at my first sight even though she is a… a prostitute.
(刚好看到小贩的胭脂扣,抓住小贩)十二少: Wait, oh, this rouge is beautiful.
小贩: You’ve got a good taste, 12th Master!
十二少: I will take it. Keep the charges.
小贩: Thanks, the 12th Master.
(十二少上绮红楼,在如花身边坐下。如花仍然不望他, 十二少从后把胭脂扣交给如花)
Shall I compare you to the stars at night?
You are much brighter and clearer.
Cloudy mist do cover the sky,
But fog's lease won't last a long way.
Sometimes too cold the godness of moon slide,
And often is her white complexion remind you to me.
And every fair from fair sometimes declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimmed.
But your eternal brightness will not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair you owned.
Nor will God part you from our face,
When in eternal lines to time you growed.
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives you, and you gives life to me.
(如花望向十二少,望望胭脂扣,微笑, 走到台前中间)
Who will appreciate me like you?
Nor shall you’re compared with others.
Understand me, ask me,
Feeling me for what I need.
Hope that you could be the one,
Share your whole life with me.
十二少: I will put it on for you.
如花: It is amazing!
十二少: You are much more amazing…

十二少:We have been together for half a year. I have told them and they want to meet you.
如花: I am afraid that they don’t like me.
十二少: They will. I am sure.
老爷: Champoo, leave for a while. I have a few words with Miss Fowery.
如花:Mr. Chan, she is not familiar with the rules. Please do pardon me if I have done something wrong. But we love each other so sincerely that even the sun and the moon can witness.老爷:Our family never inter-married with a social butterfly. Besides, you know he is the single son, the prop of the whole family, the pillar of the family’s reputation and honour. You know he has a cousin. I think, you understand.
如花: But…
老爷:(有点生气)Then, please leave.
十二少:(冲入,拉如花)Fleur, come with me!
老爷: (大怒)Then go! And don’t come back. Chan’s family won’t have a son like you since now!
十二少: Ignore him! I would rather die with you than marry my cousin.
十二少: I will do whatever I can do, just for you.(灯黑)
十二少: 爸爸 (Dad…)
老爷: 振邦,跟我回去!(Chan bon, come home with me)
如花: 老爷…(Mr Chan)
老爷: (指着如花)It is none of your business! (如花伤心, 只能离去, 老爷对十二少)Chan bon, you are my son. I understand you. This kind of hard life never suits you. Just come home and get married with your cousin. That’s your best choice.
十二少: You know what? I am now an adult, a man. I have my own choice. I love that girl. (老爷(怒): Dare you say so!!) I can speak out, I love Flora. She the best choice of you.
十二少: They hope I will come back and get married. But what I really want to stay with you. What about death for love? Then, we can leave all the things behind.
如花: Are you sure?
十二少: Yes!
(黑幕, 再着灯, 此时如花已手捧毒酒, 放在十二少前)
如花: You know, I love you so much Chan bon, if we can’t be a couple as people, let’ be the ghost couple. (十二少面露惧色, 如花盯着他)
如花: I go to get a make-up…
(如花走到台前抹几下妆, 十二少盯着酒杯)
如花: Scare? He is scared.
十二少:I do scare. I just speak out with a little temper
如花:You’ve just promised me. You’ve avowed that you would never tire of me. I’ve got so many styles. Is it just a blow of wind?
十二少: Charming as you, fair as you, varied as you, changing as you… even I get tied with one style, you’ve got another obsessed me.
如花: So easy you fall in love with me, so easy you occupy my heart, so easy you abandon me…every things is easy.
十二少: No. I should keep my word. But see what death will bring to me? Here I lie, never to rouse again. All my fortune, all my extravagant, all idle life will fall into dust.
(如花返到十二少身边, 饮交杯酒. 十二少犹豫一下,喝了下去)
如花: If our looks have change in the afterlife, Shampoo, you must remember this rouge. Rouge is me. If you see the rouge, you’ll know I am coming.(两人坐在桌上,灯黑)
(如花四处游荡, 最后来到奈何桥边)
如花: After 53 years, I dear not passed this Bridge of Sigh, dear not drunk the soup of forgetfulness. But why, why Chan haven’t showed up so far?! Where is he?
(孟婆过桥, 拿着孟婆茶, 递向如花)
孟婆: You can’t find him, just because he’s still alive.
孟婆: Now, you still want to meet him?
如花: (坚定)Yes. Love will never die until there is no way out… Hold on.(拿出胭脂扣,细细化了一下妆)
(琴女挥动丝巾,时光转移, 如花昏倒, 再醒来)
(十二少惊觉她的出现)十二少: Fleur? Fleur! You haven’t died? You are still so beautiful. Forgive me, forgive me. 53 years ago I was pulled back from the jaws of death. I…I don’t have the bravery to kill myself one more time.
如花:(怨,坚决)Chan, Thanks for remembering me. This rouge has been with me for 53 years. I won’t wait any more. Now, I give it back to you.
(Song lyres)
如花: Every time I look at you
Wanna stay with you
Love burned in our hearts
Strongly like fire
Do you remember?
十二少: Every time I think of you
Wanna come with you
I am not strong enough
To die with you
Don’t turn your back to me.
如花: All gone with wind
No matter what you promised me(蹲下,抓起一把纸屑)
十二少:With broken heart
I’d never leave you in the dark
如花:How I wished I could meet you
Told you how I missed you
十二少:With a leaf falling down
Our love have gone with wind
合唱:No one at last wins….(如花入后台)
No one at last could win…