

    Strip to the waist and lie down on the diagnostic couch over there.把衣服解开到腰间,躺到那诊断床上去。

    There was uproar over the tax increase.增税引起了一片怨声。

    Company profits have declined over the last three years but there are signs of an upturn on the horizon.公司的利润在过去的3年中持续下降,不过,好转的兆头已露端倪

    Put the tray over there.把托盘放到那边去。

    There was litter strewn all over the pavement.人行道上到处都是扔的垃圾。

    There are papers strewn all over the floor.地板上到处撒满了纸。

    Look, there are two empty seats over there.瞧,那儿有两个空位置。

    The girl over there about six years old called him daddy.那边那个大约六岁的女孩叫他爸爸。

    His house is over there a piece.他的房子在那边,离这儿有一段距离。

    The hydraulic lift is over there.液压升降机在那儿。

    Over there sat a boy with a dog behind him.有个男孩坐在那边,后面跟着一条狗。

    My car is parked over there.我的汽车停放在那儿了。

    It is over there.它在那边。

    Just dump everything over there.先把东西堆在那边。

    I put the computer over there at your suggestion.根据你的建议,我把计算机放在那边了。
