


Draw a circle.画一个圆圈。词组draw a circle画圈form a circle形成圆形;围成一圈make a circle构成圆形;围成一圈变形现在分词circling过去式circled过去分词circled复数circles第三人称单数circles

Draw a circle.  画一个圆圈。The flag was red, with a large white circle in the center  旗子是红色的,中央有个白色大圆圈。

This formula is used to calculate the area of a circle.  这个公式用于计算圆的面积。Cut out two circles of paper.  剪出两个圆形纸片。She has a wide circle of friends.  她交游很广。

He drew a circle in the sand with a stick. 他用枝条在沙地上画了一个圆。

The shark described a circle around the shoal of fish.  这条鲨鱼围绕着鱼群游动。The children stood in a circle.  孩子们站成一圈。

The plane flew around in a tight circle.  飞机绕着小圈盘旋。All points on a circle are equidistant from the centre.  圆周上各点离圆心的距离相等。

The birds circled in a slow spiral above the house.  鸟儿在房子上空缓缓盘旋。The plane circled the airport to burn up excess fuel.  飞机在机场上空盘旋以耗掉多余的燃料

She walked the horse round in a circle.  她牵着马兜圈子。Jenny has a wide circle of friends.  珍妮交友甚广。
