英语作文《Choose presents》(挑选礼物)


Choose Presents

Yo, I want space station right above my fucking house you hear me?

You know the kind of space station that people can actually live in, not some crap toy you can easily squash. I always want a space station though, it make me feel American. You know Japanese ain't got the balls to built one and Russians're just suck on human friendly working environment. Americans build the best space stations. Oh, I also want change that stupid design of the space toilet. I don't wanna stick that fucking tube in my asshole to make me feel like getting raped.

Moreover, I want a Space X cargo craft. Why? For I can send myself up there you dumbfuck.

And those are the presents I want for this Christmas. cheers!
第1个回答  2013-12-20
Presents can show friendship and love. People usually give presents to each other on holidays.
Spring Festival is coming soon, I would like to choose some presents for my friends and family.
My father likes reading, I'd like to choose some good books for him. My mother likes pretty things, I would like to choose a nice purse for her. White is her favourite color, a white one will fit her. I have some good friends, special cups or notebooks are always good presents.
Love is not taking, love is giving. Please choose presents for the people who helped you, who loved you!
第2个回答  2013-12-22
I want to choose some gifts for my family.
My mother likes chocolate, but she doesn't often buy, because chocolate is healthy and very sweet, I could buy some chocolate in this special day
My father likes reading a book, but he doesn't like comic books and magazines, I can buy a book to him
My sister likes to listen to music, I can buy her favorite song CD for her.