






1. 祭祀:在端午节期间,韩国人会举行祭祀活动,向祖先和神灵祈福。
2. 吃粽子:韩国的粽子与中国的粽子有所不同,通常是用糯米、豆馅、枣子等制成,外面包裹着一层芦苇叶或竹叶。
3. 赛龙舟:韩国的赛龙舟活动通常在端午节期间举行,人们会划着龙舟在江面上比赛。
4. 挂菖蒲:菖蒲是一种具有驱邪辟邪作用的植物,韩国人会在端午节期间挂菖蒲以祈求平安。
5. 喝雄黄酒:雄黄酒是一种传统的中药材,具有解毒、杀虫等功效,韩国人会在端午节期间喝雄黄酒以驱邪辟邪。
6. 穿传统服装:在端午节期间,韩国人会穿上传统的服装,如韩服等,以展示传统文化。


第1个回答  2023-05-01
Formerly known as "Shangsi Festival", the March 3rd Festival is a traditional festival observed by the Han people and a number of ethnic minority groups. In ancient times, the first Si day (according to the year numbering system by the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches) was called "Shangsi" and celebrated as a festival. Most of the time, March 3rd of the lunar calendar happened to be a Si day. So, after the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the Shangsi Festival was set on the third of lunar March and renamed "the March 3rd Festival". Originally March 3rd was more focused on religious activities to ward off disaster and keep evil spirits at bay as well as to pray for having children. The activities included sacrificial rituals in honor of Goddess Gao Mei, "Fu Xi" (a bathing ritual) and get-togethers attended by young men and women etc.
Gao Mei is the Goddess of Marriage and Childbearing. People would pray her for childbearing through sacrificial rituals. Meanwhile, "Fu Xi" was carried out to get rid of ailments by bathing. It was believed to cure women's infertility. And get-togethers through spring outings provided a chance for young men and women to get to know each other and to seek future significant others. Such gatherings were also aimed at marriage and childbearing. In addition, activities like floating eggs, dates and wine cups on the river were also held.