

Nomorally, during the weekend, I can have a long sleep, it's almost 10:00 when I wake up. Then I just turn on my computer and search the internet to get some information of what's going on around the world so that I won't be isolated. At 11:30, I begin to prepare my lunch, most of the time my meal includes rice and beef which can provide me many energy. After I finish the meal, it depends on my physical condition, if it's ok, I might start to do my homeworks or read through my textbooks for preview. Normally, it takes two or three hours, then I migh start to play some computer games like cartrider, starwarII, or professional soccer for couple of hours. At the time of 5:00, it's time for me to prepare my meal again. In addition, I might go to recreation center for weight training, or playbasketball. That is how I spend my weekend
第1个回答  2010-11-21
i have a new Friend , he name is xiao ming ,he likes sports,he's tall and strong,he is my good friend.
you Understanding he a do ?
