

写作思路:可以根据中国传统画的特点将其详细地介绍一下,中心要明确,语言 要通顺连贯等等。


Chinese traditional culture has a long history, including paper cutting, embroidery, drama, ceramics, shadow play, traditional Chinese painting and so on.


Today, I'd like to introduce the traditional Chinese painting. Traditional Chinese painting is to use pigment to paint on Xuan paper or Xuan silk, which is the main form of Oriental Art.


Chinese traditional painting is also known as "Chinese painting" and
"Danqing" in ancient times. Chinese traditional painting mainly refers
to scroll paintings which are painted on silk, rice paper and silk and
mounted with brush, ink and traditional Chinese painting pigments.


The theme can be divided into characters, landscapes, flowers and birds,
and the techniques can be divided into fine brushwork and freehand
brushwork. Chinese painting emphasizes "learning from nature and getting
the source of heart", and requires "the idea should be put in the pen
first, and the painting should be full of intention".


Among the works of Chinese painting masters, I appreciate Qi Baishi's
shrimp and Xu Beihong's horse most. My painting teacher, Mr. Zhang,
began to teach me Chinese painting in the summer vacation of the second
grade. Mr. Zhang said, "Chinese painting is our national treasure. You
should study Chinese painting hard and pass on the traditional culture
of Chinese painting."


I am determined to practice Chinese painting well.


第1个回答  2015-03-06
Chinese Painting 
Well, chinese painting, I love it! When I enjoy chinese painting,I think I`m touching the real art. 
Hearing the chinese painting, there are brush, chinese ink, xuan paper and ink stone in my heart.The only four tools,however,can create so many excellent works.Isn`t it magical? So I fell in love with the chinese painting at the first look. 
I love bamboo,one of the four gentelman of chinese painting.That`s another reason that I love chinese painting. 
In a word, without chinese painting, I can`t find my sense of beauty.本回答被网友采纳