
1)We must be at the theater by 7 o'clock this evening(have to)
2)I think she is about 30years old (must)
3)He must come to the air port before10o'clock(hai gt to)
4)Must you tell everyone our secrets?(have to)
5)I think he is stupid to wear clothes like that!(must)
1)We had dinner at a restaurant last night
2)Frank has a shower every morning
3)Our teacher has got many books in his study
4)Ians has already had lunch
5)Frank and Jane always have a walk before breakfast

1)We must be at the theater by 7 o'clock this evening(have to)
We have to be at the theater by 7 o'clock this evening
2)I think she is about 30years old (must)
I think she must be 30 years old
3)He must come to the air port before10o'clock(hai gt to)
He has got to come to the air port before 10 o'clock
4)Must you tell everyone our secrets?(have to)
Do you have to tell everyone our secrets?
5)I think he is stupid to wear clothes like that!(must)
I think he must be stupid to wear clothes like that!

1)We had dinner at a restaurant last night
Did you have dinner at a restaurant last night?
2)Frank has a shower every morning
Does Frank have a shower every morning?
3)Our teacher has got many books in his study
Has your teacher got many books in his study?
4)Ians has already had lunch
Has Ian already had lunch?
5)Frank and Jane always have a walk before breakfast
Do Frank and Jane always have a walk before breakfast?
第1个回答  2010-11-20
We have to be at the ⋯⋯evening.
I think she must be about 30 years old.
He has to come to the air port⋯⋯
Do you have to tell everyone⋯⋯
I think he must be stupid to wear⋯⋯

Did you have dinner at⋯⋯?
Does Frank have a shower every morning?
Has our teacher got many⋯⋯?
Has lans already had lunch?
Do Frank and Jane always have a ⋯⋯?本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-11-26
We have to be at the theater by 7 o'clock this evening.
I think she must be about 30 years old.
He has to come to the airport before10 o'clock.