

1.be动词 + 主语 + 表语(名词、代词、数词、形容词、有些副词、介词短语、现在分词、过去分词、动名词、不定式短语、表语从句、疑问词+不定式等) (+ 其他):
Is he a doctor / in / angry / excited / in the classroom ?
Five plus two is seven.
Her job is to tend the patient / tending the patient.
My question is what we shall do next / what to do next.
This job is for you to do.
The news is very surprising.
2. have(有) + 主语 + 宾语 (+ 其他):
Have you a car now? ( 英国英语 )
Has she any money on her? (英国英语)
3. 助动词、情态动词 + 主语 + 谓语部分: Do you speak English?
Can you give me a hand?
Are you jogging now ?
Does he have a house ? ( 美国英语 )
Have you had your lunch ?
Was he hit by a car yesterday ?
Has he been to Paris?
Could he have known it yesterday?
Can it be true ?
Will you start out tomorrow?
Can you have finished it by the end of this year?