

I am a student I remember it like yesterday. We were all waiting patiently for my father to come home from the race track. He promised me and my sister that if he won, he would take us all to Rye Playland. The minutes felt like hours. It was the longest hour of my life. Then finally we heard the car door shut. Me and my sister ran to the front door anxiously waiting for the news. He opened the door and walked in. We tried to read the expression on his face but of course he was looking down while taking his sneakers off. The suspense was killing us. Then he looked up. No words were spoken between us and our father. He just gave us a blank stare. I didn't know what to think. I was scared to ask because I was so worried of the response. It was that moment when he said to us, "Well kids, pick out what your going to wear to Rye playland this weekend." Excitement just jumped through out my whole body. We both ran over and gave him the biggest hug and ran upstairs to pick out what we had to bring and start the trip to Rye on the weekends.
第1个回答  2014-06-05
We all miss young life. At that time always feel time slowly.
Since early every day could not only bed. Seven o 'clock. We can go
to school and spend time on the road.
When students in class and often insane. Carefree very happy. Every day and eat a lot of snacks. Soccer clothes very dirty. Mom always scold us.
Always borrow classmate copy homework. Don't worry about the test.
But time flies. We have grown up. School? Write relaxed happy days not again.So treasure now time.