

最经典的当然要数亨利亚当斯 衣衫褴褛的 吃饭 不要钱 服务员 和店主 还鞠躬目送他出门的

因为 :百万英镑 全篇 讽刺的就是 赤裸裸的拜金主义
这段话 概括了全文 也是 文章的一个 亮点

原文:(电脑上没有这个 我把我高中时读过的书拿出来 找 还记得 这句经典)
OWNER:Kind,sir?No,it's kind of you.You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like. Just having you sit here is a great honour!As for the bill ,sir,please forget it.

HENRY:Forget it?Well ...thank you very much .That's very nice of you.

OWNER:Oh,it's for us to thank you ,sir and I do,sir,from the bottom of my heart.(The owner ,hostess and waiter all bow as Henry leaves.)

辛辛苦苦码的字 够累的
第1个回答  2010-08-30
N=Narrator A=Ambassador P=Portia H=Henry
Act Two, Scene 3

N: Well, very soon, it seemed as if everyone in London was talking about Henry. After a while, he felt it was his duty to report to the American ambassador to Britain. The Ambassador gave him a warm welcome and invited Henry to a dinner party that very night. Of course, Henry was glad to go. He knew that he might need the ambassador when others found out just how poor he really was. Now Henry is on the balcony of the American ambassador’s home in London.
A: Ah, there you are.
P: (to Henry) How do you do?
A: Mr. Adams, my special guest, Miss Portia Langham.
H: How do you do?
P: I’m afraid you must be too busy for me.
H: Yes, indeed, I am. I mean, no, no, not at all!
A: If you’ll excuse me, I must return to the other guests.
P: Won’t you sit down, please?
H: Yes, I’d love to - err - I’d like to. Thank you, Miss.
P: That poor, dear ambassador. He hates these parties almost as much as I do. Nothing but talk, talk, talk. And no one says anything anyone wants to hear, do they?
H: No, I suppose not.
P: The ambassador tells me you are a rich man.
H: Well - err - not really.
P: He tells me you are the talk of London these days. Why, it seems that every banker and shop owner in the city wants to meet you.
H: Yes, I’ve heard. I can’t understand why, really. I’m not so special as that.
P: Oh, I don’t know about that, Mr. Adams.
H: Please, call me Henry.
P: Henry. I mean, even the ambassador is eager to know you better.
H: Yes, it would seem to be so.
P: What’s the matter?
H: Oh, nothing. Nothing, at least, that anyone can help with.
P: Are you in some kind of trouble, Henry?

Henry: In a way, yes. It is not of my own doing though. I was given a million pound banknote to use for 30 days. Now everybody thinks I am rich. But I really don’t have a penny.
Portia: Is that all? I thought you were a bank robber or had hit your grandmother.
Henry: How could you have such terrible thoughts?
Portia: I do tend to think about the bad side of the people I meet.
Henry: Why is that? I am sure people could only be kind and thoughtful to you.
Portia: Well, you see….
Henry: If I am going to let you see all my bad points, I had better do it now. I can not sail a boat well and I have no job.
Portia: Well I can not sail a boat well either and have no job either.
Henry: I knew we were meant for each other.
Portia: What a lovely thought. Now my bad points. I have no money of my own and I cannot earn my own living at all. In fact I am useless.
Henry: Not to me! You look the sweetest and most honest girl in the world to me!
第2个回答  2010-08-30
They saw many honest faces go by that were not intelligent enough; many that were intelligent, but not honest enough; many that were both, but the possessors were not poor enough, or, if poor enough, were not strangers.

第3个回答  2010-09-11