

I always feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. There are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We can choose our favorite lessons to learn. We can spend more time doing some outside reading. the students do after-school activities for one and a half hours every day. We needn’t do a lot of homework. We are all happy to stay at school.Besides that, my dream school looks like a big garden. There are many kinds of flowers around the modern buildings. Sweet perfumes are diffused all around. If i want to have a rest, I can lie on the grass, listen to music by the lake or look out at the flowers from the classroom windows.
The teachers here are kind and helpful. They are not only our teachers but also our good friends. The students are polite and friendly. We all know how to keep our school clean and tidy. There is no litter around the campus.





第1个回答  2020-04-21
My ideal school
I hope my ideal school starts at 8.30 a.m. 我希望我的理想学校每天早上8:30才开始上课。because l like to get up late. 因为我每天起床都很晚I hope my ideal school finishes at 4.30 p.m.我希望我的理想学校每天下午4:30就放学。 So l can have lots of time to have a rest and do some
activities. 那样我就可以多点时间休息以及多点
My ideal school is very large,我的理想学校是很大规模的, it has three tall buildings ,它有3栋很大的大楼, a big dining hall,一个豪华的餐厅 a tennis court,一个网球场, a big playground and a park. 一个大的操场和公园。
We have an hour for lunch,我们有一个小时的午餐时间, we can eat delicious food and chat with each other in the big dining hall.我们可以在那个豪华的餐厅里面吃最美味的食物。
第2个回答  推荐于2017-12-15
My ideal school
I hope my ideal school starts at 8.30 a.m. 我希望我的理想学校每天早上8:30才开始上课。because l like to get up late. 因为我每天起床都很晚I hope my ideal school finishes at 4.30 p.m.我希望我的理想学校每天下午4:30就放学。 So l can have lots of time to have a rest and do some
activities. 那样我就可以多点时间休息以及多点
My ideal school is very large,我的理想学校是很大规模的, it has three tall buildings ,它有3栋很大的大楼, a big dining hall,一个豪华的餐厅 a tennis court,一个网球场, a big playground and a park. 一个大的操场和公园。
We have an hour for lunch,我们有一个小时的午餐时间, we can eat delicious food and chat with each other in the big dining hall.我们可以在那个豪华的餐厅里面吃最美味的食物。
I Love My ideal school!

my dream school
my dream school is very wonderful,my dream school is start eight a.m ,and finish four p.m。we have a PE class every day,l like sports。l like playing with my classmates at PE lessons。and l hope l have a music lesson every day ,because l like listening to music 。at lunchtime l can chat with my classmates,we can eat nice food,
l can come back home with my friends,l think l will be happy。

,因为我喜欢听音乐,在午餐时间我能和同学聊天,我们能吃美食,放学后我能和我朋友一起回家,我想我将很高心。 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻~!希望帮到你哦~!本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2019-08-28
The school in my dream is very beautiful.There are many flowers and
trees in the garden in front of the taeching building.And the teaching
building is in the south of school.It six has floors.The second floor is
sound lab,we can have classes there.The third floor has two
libraries,three computer rooms and three science rooms.
第4个回答  2020-08-03
非常特别好 尤其是verybeautiful