李华邀请同学去参观黄石历史博物馆 英语作文



Hello, I'm Li Hua, our school students will be organized to visit the city museum, scheduled for the morning of January 5, 2013, we have 7 in the morning in the school playground.


You should wear school uniforms, to maintain order in the visit, not to speak loudly, do not touch the exhibits in the museum, in order to protect the precious cultural relics, don't use the flash when taking pictures, to take notes.


第1个回答  2016-01-23
Hello, I'm Li Hua, our school students will be organized to visit the city museum, scheduled for the morning of January 5, 2013, we have 7 in the morning in the school playground. You should wear school uniforms, to maintain order in the visit, not to speak loudly, do not touch the exhibits in the museum, in order to protect the precious cultural relics, don't use the flash when taking pictures, to take notes.本回答被网友采纳