《方舟生存进化》全控制台命令一览 秘籍怎么用


控制台命令 翻译
God – Enables God Mode(Rumor has it you can still drown) 无敌
Fly – You can fly! 飞行
Walk – Stops you from flying. 停止飞行
Teleport – Teleport in the direction you are facing. 传送到目视中心点
Ghost – Noclip, walk through objects/walls. 穿墙
ToggleInfiniteAmmo: Unlimited Ammo! 无限弹药
setcheatplayer true – Turns on cheat menu. 作弊选单开
setcheatplayer false – Turns off cheat menu. 作弊选单关
giveresources – Gives 50 of any resource on local servers. 所有资源给50份
giveengrams – Unlocks all crafting. 所有制作蓝图解锁
ServerPVE – Disables PVP. 网服关闭PVP
ServerHardcore – Character stats reset on death. 网服死后人物经验清空