
题目 幼儿英语教学之我见

当今世界,国际文化交流日趋频繁,学会第二种语言是十分必要的。早在公元一世纪,罗马教育家昆体良就提出了“双语教育”(Bilingual Education)的问题,这一教育理念一直延续至今,而作为幼儿园教师,可不可以与幼儿进行双语教学曾一度成为大家争议的话题。心理学的研究表明,语言发展的关键期是在6岁以前,日本著名幼教专家井深大也认为0—6岁是语言发展最佳期,处于这一时期的幼儿有形成两个以上语言中枢的可能性。如今国家教委也已在小学普遍开展了双语教学。这样坚实的理论基础和强大的现实背景说明了幼儿园进行“双语教学”的必要性。




在教学中正确而适当地使用TPR教学,是创设浓厚学习氛围的简捷而有效的好办法。TPR(Total Physical Response)即全部反应法,是由美国著心理学家詹姆·阿谢尔(James Ashore)发明的。TPR的训练方法就在于鼓励学习者在轻松的语言环境中体会英语,在不知不觉中把握语言的意义,从而提高学习者的参与意识与兴趣。比如,在教学elephant时,我出示图卡后,将双手下垂模仿大象走路,同时大声说:“elephant,elephant I’m a elephant”,发现幼儿都很兴奋,也一个个学我边说边做起来,然后我再停下来,高举图卡大声说出“elephant”的正确读音,幼儿也自然地模仿说出了单词。就这样将不可能运用英语的环境变成了一种活泼、自由的积极的语言环境。但是TPR教学法并非创设宽松自由环境的唯一方不,精心营造幼儿物质环境同样可以为宽松语言环境的创设提供帮助。在学前班,我和本班老师将其教室内各大设备,如TV set(电视机)、blank board(黑板)、chair(椅子)、window(窗户)等用中英文标记好,发现幼儿对英语更加关注了,有时会一个人或几个人指着标记大声说:“TV set、chair”等。因为我们为幼儿创设了可能运用英语的环境,并且是自由而宽松的,就极易激起幼儿的表现欲,同时也让幼儿体验到语言交流的乐趣。我们不能给孩子们营造那些传统的英文学习环境,在那里孩子们必须得坐好,规规矩矩的听教师讲课,就我个人经验来说,创设宽松、自由的学习氛围对老师本身也是一种快乐的体验。

The world, the international cultural exchange day by day is now frequent, the academic society second language is very essential. As early as in one century, the Roman educationalist elder brother body good proposed “bilingual education” (Bilingual Education) the question, this education idea has continued until now, but as the kindergarten teacher, could carry on the bilingual education with the baby once to become everybody dispute the topic. The psychology research indicated that the language development's critical period is before 6 years old, the Japanese famous preschool education expert well depth greatly also thought that 0-6 years old are the language development most wedding day, is in this time the baby visible becomes two above Speech center's possibility. The State Educational Committee also generally has developed now the bilingual education in the elementary school. Such solid rationale and the formidable realistic background note kindergarten has carried on “the bilingual education” necessity. I take the bilingual kindergarten a specialty teacher of English, through the long-term baby English teaching, has carried on many kinds of beneficial attempts. How to enhance the baby English teaching the effect, below chats my several views:

First, establishment loose free study atmosphere the English teaching takes a language teaching to follow "Summary" newly by rights ought to the language domain instruction. New "Summary" in first pointed out to the language domain's request and the content: Creates a freedom, the loose language contact environment, supports, encourages, to attract the baby and the teacher, the companion or other people talks, experience language exchange pleasure. Therefore establishes the loose free study atmosphere diligently in the teaching, establishes the baby to utilize English the possible environment, stimulates the baby English the enthusiasm, appears especially important. correctly and uses the TPR teaching suitably in the teaching, is the establishment strong study atmosphere simple and direct and the effective good means. TPR (Total Physical Response) namely the total overall reaction law, is (James Ashore) is inventing by US psychologist Zhan Mu· Asher. The TPR training method lies in encourages the learner to realize English in the relaxed language environment, grasps the language in unconscious the significance, thus enhances the learner the sense of participation and the interest. For instance, when teaching elephant, after I show the chart card, walks both hands sagging imitation elephant, simultaneously said loudly: “elephant, elephant I'm a elephant”, discovered that the babies are very excited, also one all studied me saying that while did, then I stopped again down, lifts up high the chart card said “elephant” loudly the correct pronunciation, the baby also naturally imitates said the word. Like this impossible to turn one kind using English environment vividly, the free positive language environment. But the TPR teaching method establishes the loose free environment by no means the only side not, builds the baby material environment to be possible carefully to provide the help similarly for the loose language environment establishment. In the preschool, I and this Mr./Mrs. Ban its classroom in each big equipment, like TV set (television), blank board (blackboard), chair (chair), window (window) urgently need the Chinese and English to mark, discovered that the baby has even more paid attention to English, sometimes met a person or several people points at is marking said loudly: “TV set, chair” and so on. Because we possibly established for the baby to utilize English the environment, and was free and loose, extremely was easy to arouse baby's performance desire, simultaneously also let the baby experience the language exchange the pleasure. We cannot give the children to build these traditional English learning environment, must result in there children sits, well-mannered listens to the teacher to teach, I experienced, the establishment loose, the free study atmosphere to teacher himself was also one kind of joyful experience.

Fourth, just like attention individual difference "Summary" said: “young and the language study has the individualizing characteristic, the teacher and baby's individual exchange, between baby's free conversation and so on, has the special significance to the baby language development.”In the class, some baby enunciation is not too clear, the pronunciation does not permit, after I teach him several, very obvious loses the study the interest, does not have the interest, the nature on with difficulty the teaching. Therefore, I organize to read the good baby together to arrive at English angle with him to carry on “the chess game”, lets them play, at the right moment instructs, to discover that this method is effective very much, baby in happy atmosphere middle school English. This caused me to remember a proverb: Has not planted not the good crops, only then kind of not good crops's farmer. should acknowledge that the teaching method is many and varied, only the hand down a tradition teaching is insufficient, must need our practitioner to develop, carries forward the tradition teaching method effective aspect, abandons the translation type teaching, lets the baby learn diligently to study English with the pure English thought that but simultaneously also hoped everybody can like the named “English” this language.
第1个回答  2008-04-27
less marks, less attention
第2个回答  2008-04-27