初二英语作文 速度回答 谢谢


Once upon a time,there was a rabbit in the forest.He was good at running,no one could run faster than him.One day,he saw a little tortoise,the torroise ran very slowly,so he laughed at the tortoise.The little tortoise was angry.He asked rabbit to have a running race.The rabbit didn't pay attention to this,but he still enter the race.Because the rabbit was good at running,he won the first and the second race easily.But when they started the third race,there was a river in front of the rabbit.He couldn't swim.When he was upset about failing,the tortoise came.The rabbit was hopeless.To his surprise,the tortoise didn't go away,the tortoise put the rabbit on his back and swam across the river.At last,they reached the final line together.
Sometimes,our rivals are our friends.So when they need help,just hold their hands and help them.
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第1个回答  2015-08-14
Rabbit is really good at running and tortoise run very slow. However, rabbit not pay attention to running after it win the second race. when they start the third race, there is a river in frount of them. rabbit can't swim, therefore, it can't arrive the goal. to rabbit's surprise, tortoise put rabbit on hes back and swim across the river. Finally, they reach goal together.