“给英国朋友介绍学习中文”的英语作文 快 急急急急急!!!

要点 :1.参加中文学习班 2.看中文报纸 书刊 3.学唱中文歌曲 4.交中国朋友 注意: 字数100左右

第1个回答  2013-06-23
Want to learn Chinese, can go to Chinese classes, with professional teachers, can learn fast, of course, but if you don't want to attend to self-study, also can. Chinese newspapers and periodicals usually look, and often read, for your Chinese learning is a great advantage. Another study sing Chinese songs, also can quickly learn English, because can entertainment learning, won't feel bored, will also interesting. Some Chinese friends into more with them in English conversation, will you go to learn Chinese is very good. This is some methods of learning Chinese, the hope can help you.想要学习中文,可以去参加中文学习班,有专业的老师教,可以学的很快的,当然如果不想参加,而想自学的话,也是可以的。平时看看中文报纸和书刊,并时常读一读,对你的中文学习是有很大的好处的。另外学唱中文歌曲,也是可以很快的学会中文的,因为可以一边娱乐一边学习,不会感到乏味,学的也会有趣的。交一些中国的朋友多与他们用英语去交谈,会对你学习中文有很大的好处的。这是学习中文的一些方法,希望能够帮到你。