英语谚语:Nothing will come of nothing 中文翻译是什么?


第1个回答  2022-10-27
Nothing will e of nothing
He who spends more than he should
shall not have to spare when he would 不该花的乱花,要花时没有花。
He who stands alone has no power 孤掌难鸣。
He who touches pitch will be difiled 近墨者黑
He who wants a mule without fault
must walk on foot 如要骡子无缺点,只有自己徒步行。
He who wills success is half way to it 下定决心成功的人是成功了一半。
He who would catch fish mush not mind getting wet 欲擒龙王,就得下海。
He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom 爬梯必须从底层开始。
He who would search for pearls must dive below(or deep) 欲寻珍珠,须潜水下。
He will always be a slave who knows not how to earn and save 不懂挣钱和积财,只能永远当奴才。
He works best who knows his trade 内行的人做他的事一定会做得最好。
英语谚语: Nothing will e of nothing
中文意思: 无风不起浪。
