例句:I (will write) to him next week.

We () a basketball game against Class 3 this Sunday.(举办)
Yaoming () in Beijing for two weeks.(停留)
Jane() a dancer when she grows up.(成为)
There ()next months。(将会有一场校运会)

We (will hold) a basketball game against Class 3 this Sunday.(举办)
Yaoming ( will stay) in Beijing for two weeks.(停留)
Jane(will become) a dancer when she grows up.(成为)
There (will be a school sports meeting)next months。(将会有一场校运会)追问


第1个回答  2013-07-12
will hold
has stayed
is going to be
is going to be a school sports
第2个回答  2013-07-12
will hold
has stayed
will become
is going to be a school sports meeting
第3个回答  2013-07-12
will hold, has stayed, will become, will be a school sports