

(3)将盘内番茄上笼用旺火蒸约10分钟就取出,将炒锅置于小火上加热,放入少许鲜汤、番茄酱,用勺推匀番茄酱,炒锅慢慢升温,见稠浓时,加入青豆、冬笋粒和少许白糖、精盐、味精,翻炒均匀后,下水淀粉勾芡,再加入10克熟猪油,即可起锅淋浇在番茄盘内。 此菜为扬州风味
(1. 蛤蜊刷净外壳,浸入净水并加盐10克,以利吐水。
(2. 鸡蛋打散;葱洗净,葱绿切段,葱白切花;姜去外皮,切下2片后,余切成姜末;金华火腿切成末。
(3. 水一锅煮沸,入葱绿、姜片及蛤蜊,并加酒、盐去腥,见壳张开即连汤盛入蒸碗中。
(4. 待蛤蜊汤凉后,加入蛋汁、淡色酱油汲色拉油搅匀,入蒸锅蒸10分钟,可用筷子试插,如筷子没沾蛋汁,表示蛋已熟,撒下葱花、肉松即可供食.


Starters: Vegetable Chicken Salad
Main Menu: tomato Cypriot meat, clams Dundan,清炒Sugar Pea Shoot
Tang: sweet corn soup
Confections: Xiangjiaochuan
These are also good-looking and nutrition, children will love
Approach is very simple ah!
1. Salad: Needless to say now? Cut the potatoes cook Xiaoding, tomatoes, Baizhudan, Baizhu Qizheng chicken breast, lettuce Cutter with salad dressing on the meat, put less soft. Like it can also point increase tablets sweet corn, cucumber small, such as onion rings. This is cold dish. As for the salad dressing place, I like the homemade "Qiubi" good taste.
2. Cypriot meat tomato: Tomato 10, lean pork Mi 700 grams, 50 grams of water, mushrooms, 20 grams of cooked beans, cooked winter bamboo shoots tablets of 30 g, 4 g salt, MSG 2 grams, five grams at the end of Congjiang, eggs 1 , 5 g Shaojiu, ketchup amount Xiantang appropriate, sugar amount Shouzhuyou appropriate, dry starch appropriate.
(1) Clean water, mushrooms, remove Beattie after Zhancheng Velvet, pork bowl Mi costumes add mushrooms Velvet, salt, MSG, at the end of Congjiang, Shaojiu, egg, stirring into Rukan standby.
(2) Wash tomatoes untiringly, in order to cut, dig Quzi, inverted do Zhishui, drain water, then slowly insert Zhukuai Rukan with tomato, filled with post-surface rolling, Sprinkle dry starch, code on the disk within.
(3) will be set within the tomato cage with steam for about 10 minutes and drain on the removal will be placed Put small fire on the heating, Add a little Xiantang, tomato sauce, and spoon by pushing absorbed tomato sauce, slowly warming Put , see dense concentration, joined beans, winter bamboo shoots tablets and a little sugar, salt and monosodium glutamate, Stir in uniform, starch Gouqian water, add 10 g Shouzhuyou, Cook leaching can be poured in tomato disk. Yangzhou Cicai for flavor
3. Clams Dundan:
(1. Brush net shell clams, and salt water purification submerged 10 grams for the benefit of vomit water.
(2. Eggs broken up; onions washed Green segments, Congbai Cut; ginger to skin, cut off two, I cut ginger; Jinhua ham cut at the end.
(3. A pot of boiling water, to Green, Fasciolopsiasis and clams, plus wine, salt Qu Xing, see that even the shell open to the steaming bowls Shangcheng.
(4. Question clams, cold soup, joining Dan Shi, the NHL absorbed salad oil until blended soy sauce, steamed into the dome 10 minutes, test can be used chopsticks inserted, such as James Danshi no chopsticks, and that has been cooked eggs, chopped scallion cast, Rusong can for food.

4.清炒Sugar Pea Shoot: This is the easiest, Sugar Pea Shoot preferences, necessary fuel stir, adding uprising taste better.
5. Sweet corn soup: pot, add water, after a release of liqueur, maize grain, after撒入kind of cooked, the thin hooks president.
6. Xiangjiaochuan: This is not the children do not like. Is a very delicious dessert: Banana vertical force open the code in the set, the above release several tablespoons ice cream, chocolate sauce plus point, the code points to ice cream, can be like adding peanut butter, sprinkle Suihua Health tablets good. This is some raw materials, the specific composition and shape their own hands 1,10.
第1个回答  2008-04-08
Starters: Vegetable Chicken Salad <br> Main Menu: tomato Cypriot meat, clams Dundan,清炒Sugar Pea Shoot <br> Tang: sweet corn soup <br> Confections: Xiangjiaochuan <br> These are also good-looking and nutrition, children will love <br> Approach is very simple ah! <br> <br> 1. Salad: Needless to say now? Cut the potatoes cook Xiaoding, tomatoes, Baizhudan, Baizhu Qizheng chicken breast, lettuce Cutter with salad dressing on the meat, put less soft. Like it can also point increase tablets sweet corn, cucumber small, such as onion rings. This is cold dish. As for the salad dressing place, I like the homemade "Qiubi" good taste. <br> <br> 2. Cypriot meat tomato: Tomato 10, lean pork Mi 700 grams, 50 grams of water, mushrooms, 20 grams of cooked beans, cooked winter bamboo shoots tablets of 30 g, 4 g salt, MSG 2 grams, five grams at the end of Congjiang, eggs 1 , 5 g Shaojiu, ketchup amount Xiantang appropriate, sugar amount Shouzhuyou appropriate, dry starch appropriate. <br> <br> (1) Clean water, mushrooms, remove Beattie after Zhancheng Velvet, pork bowl Mi costumes add mushrooms Velvet, salt, MSG, at the end of Congjiang, Shaojiu, egg, stirring into Rukan standby. <br> <br> (2) Wash tomatoes untiringly, in order to cut, dig Quzi, inverted do Zhishui, drain water, then slowly insert Zhukuai Rukan with tomato, filled with post-surface rolling, Sprinkle dry starch, code on the disk within. <br> <br> (3) will be set within the tomato cage with steam for about 10 minutes and drain on the removal will be placed Put small fire on the heating, Add a little Xiantang, tomato sauce, and spoon by pushing absorbed tomato sauce, slowly warming Put , see dense concentration, joined beans, winter bamboo shoots tablets and a little sugar, salt and monosodium glutamate, Stir in uniform, starch Gouqian water, add 10 g Shouzhuyou, Cook leaching can be poured in tomato disk. Yangzhou Cicai for flavor <br> <br> 3. Clams Dundan: <br> <br> (1. Brush net shell clams, and salt water purification submerged 10 grams for the benefit of vomit water. <br> <br> (2. Eggs broken up; onions washed Green segments, Congbai Cut; ginger to skin, cut off two, I cut ginger; Jinhua ham cut at the end. <br> <br> (3. A pot of boiling water, to Green, Fasciolopsiasis and clams, plus wine, salt Qu Xing, see that even the shell open to the steaming bowls Shangcheng. <br> <br> (4. Question clams, cold soup, joining Dan Shi, the NHL absorbed salad oil until blended soy sauce, steamed into the dome 10 minutes, test can be used chopsticks inserted, such as James Danshi no chopsticks, and that has been cooked eggs, chopped scallion cast, Rusong can for food. <br> <br> 4.清炒Sugar Pea Shoot: This is the easiest, Sugar Pea Shoot preferences, necessary fuel stir, adding uprising taste better. <br> <br> 5. Sweet corn soup: pot, add water, after a release of liqueur, maize grain, after撒入kind of cooked, the thin hooks president. <br> <br> 6. Xiangjiaochuan: This is not the children do not like. Is a very delicious dessert: Banana vertical force open the code in the set, the above release several tablespoons ice cream, chocolate sauce plus point, the code points to ice cream, can be like adding peanut butter, sprinkle Suihua Health tablets good. This is some raw materials, the specific composition and shape their own hands 1,10.
第2个回答  2008-04-08