
做对外贸易时我们应该注意文化差异(beware of)
我们刚碰到了一位多年不见的老朋友(come across)

请注意,汉译英时务必将 XGSYDSK先生所提供的每句之后的短语用上;并特别应注意句子的时态!
1)做对外贸易时我们应该注意文化差异。(beware of)
Beware of the cultural diffrences when(in) doing foreign trade.
2)我们刚碰到了一位多年不见的老朋友。(come across) 此句英语动词须用现在完成时!
We have just come across an old friend (whom) we haven't seen for many years.
3)大卫把每幅图片都研究了两遍,有仔细地阅读了图片说明。(caption) 此句也须用现在完成时!动词ponder
是考虑,思索之意,最恰切的是用“study; dig into:致力于或专心致志地研究”
David has carefully studied (dug into) each picture for two times(twice) and has carefully read the caption of each picture.
4)他直率的回答给我们留下了很深的印象(straight forward)注意:给我们留下了很深的印象:impress...deeply; 请勿将汉语的“给”译成:give,make等!
His straight forward answers have impressed us very deeply.
Could you provide the evidence which can prove he had an alibi (not at the scene of the crime)?
第1个回答  2013-01-01
We should be aware of cultural differences when we are doing works concerning foreign trades.
We came across an old friends who we have not seen each others for years just now.
David pondered on every picture twice and read the caption instruction carefully.
His straightforward answer left a deep impression on us.
Could you provide evidence that he was not on the spot?(其实用 his alibi 就可以了 )
第2个回答  2013-01-01
Do foreign trade when we should pay attention to cultural differences
We 've just come across an old friend I had not seen for years
And David put each picture of two times, has carefully read the illustration
His forthright answer gave us deep impression
Can you provide evidence to prove that he was not at the scene of the crime?
第3个回答  2013-01-01
做对外贸易时我们应该注意文化差异To do foreign trade, we should pay attention to cultural differences我们刚碰到了一位多年不见的老朋友We've just come across an old friend I had not seen for years大卫把每幅图片都研究了两遍,有仔细地阅读了图片说明 David put each picture of two times, has carefully read picture他直率的回答给我们留下了很深的印象His forthright answer gave us deep impression您能提供证据来证明他当时不在犯罪现场吗Can you provide evidence to prove that he was not at the scene of a crime you
第4个回答  2013-01-01
In international trades we should be aware of the difference between cultures.
We came across an old friend who we had not met for years.
David studied every picture twice, and carefully read the instructions of the pictures.
His straightforward answer put a strong impression on us.
Can you offer any evidence to prove that he was not at the scene of the crime at that moment?