学期term前面加不加介词? 请附例句


term本身是名词,有两个意思,学期和术语,一般情况是不需要加介词的,而是会加冠词,例如:the term, a term。

come to terms with

Come to accept (a new and painful or difficult event or situation);接受某种新的,痛苦的或者困难的事件或境况,
例句:She had come to terms with the tragedies in her life 她必须接受生活中的悲剧。

in terms of (or in —— terms)With regard to the particular aspect or subject specified:说到什么方面,关于什么方面
例句:replacing the printers is difficult to justify in terms of cost

常用的还有,in the long/short term长期,短期
第1个回答  2014-04-14
term 表示学期,和特定的学期前 是需要加the的
eg: the summer term, the winter term 夏季学期,冬季学期
第2个回答  2014-04-13
I got good grades this term 不加介词