
Results are consistent with previous characterizations of reappraisal as relatively adaptive and expressive suppression as relatively maladaptive,but further suggest that cognitive reappraisal might be a key factor in reducing risk for depressed mood and that expressive suppression might potentiate anxious mood, particularly in those showing relatively low affective risk (BIS) for anxiety. Although these data are limited by being correlational and cross-sectional, they provide potentially important insights into normal emotional processes and could eventually inform etiological models of mood and anxiety disorders and the development of prevention and intervention efforts.

Results are consistent with previous characterizations of reappraisal as relatively adaptive and expressive suppression as relatively maladaptive,but further suggest that cognitive reappraisal might be a key factor in reducing risk for depressed mood and that expressive suppression might potentiate anxious mood, particularly in those showing relatively low affective risk (BIS) for anxiety. Although these data are limited by being correlational and cross-sectional, they provide potentially important insights into normal emotional processes and could eventually inform etiological models of mood and anxiety disorders and the development of prevention and intervention efforts.
第1个回答  2013-05-24
这些你可以在 百度翻译在线上 翻译
第2个回答  2013-05-25
