

Hello! Nice to meet you 世界各地的人们见面时,出于礼貌要打招呼。由于各国、各民族的风俗文化不同,说出的话也就不一样。我们中国人见面时常说:您好!,您吃饭了吗?,您到哪儿去?等等。英国人、美国人打招呼所说的话就不大相同了。如果你问他:吃饭了吗?,他还以为你真的会请他去吃一顿饭呢!下面介绍使用的国家常见的招呼用语。 Good morning \ afternoon \ evening!是英国人、美国人在上午/下午/晚上比较正式的礼貌招呼用语。在熟人和朋友之间常用Hello!或Hi!,特别是Hi!用得最多。无论何时何地两个熟人见面,都可用Hi!打招呼。若两个人没有重要的事要说时,互相道一声Hi!,就表示礼貌地打过招呼了,可以各自而去。 How do you do?(您好。),Nice to meet you.(见到你很高兴。)是陌生人初次见面时最正式的问候语,是最常用的客套话。回答时只需要重复对方刚刚说过的那句话就可以了。 How are you?(你身体好么?)这种问好形式常用于亲戚朋友之间。它也用于询问对方的健康状况。如果被问候者身体健康,感觉良好,就用Im fine, thank you.来回答。有时出于礼貌和关心,被问候者还可以说Fine, thank you. And you?(我很好,谢谢。你好吗?)来询问对方的身体状况。如果他感觉身体不舒服,则用Im not quite well.来回答。
第1个回答  2013-05-27
dear Jim:
hello !I remember you have told me you are so shy that you don't have the courage to talk to the stranger in a party .but i want to tell you ,you are a good guy ,what you only need is confidence .
so ,you must learn to be confident.in this way ,you can express you personlity fully.this is the key to making others attracted to you .you should believe you are outstanding and excellent.you can do anything you want .
secondly,you must learn to know what is you advantage. pick up a topic you familiar with and you will find you have content to say .
third ,you must learn some skill about talking .you can have a try how to be humourous and listen to others carefully when they are talking because they will think you respect them very much .they will think you are adorable.
i believe you can overcome you shyness and be successful in communicating with strangers.