

名词n. 1. (道义上或法律上的)义务;责任[C][U][(+to)][+to-v] We were under obligation to finish the work in a satisfactory way. 我们有义务圆满地完成工作。 You are under no obligation to buy the house if you have not signed a purchase agreement. 如果你没有签订购买合同,就不一定非买这房子不可。 Our parents fulfilled their obligation to support us. 父母亲尽到了抚养我们的责任。 2. 恩惠[C][(+to/toward)] repay an obligation 报答恩惠 3. 合约,契约;证券[C] The builder failed to fulfil the terms of his obligation. 营造商未能履行合同的条款。 4. 偿付债务的款项[C] The lawyer drew up a legal paper discharging him from all obligations. 律师拟定了一份法律文件,免除他所有的债务款项。
第1个回答  2014-04-30
obligation: [ .�0�0bli'gei�0�6�0�5n ] n. 义务,责任 [ 形容词obligational ] 例句与用法 1. The company has to fulfill the terms of its obligation. 这个公司必须履行合同条款。 2. Damaging the goods puts you under an obligation to buy them. 你损坏了这些商品,你就得都买下来。 3. I have an obligation not to. 我有义务不这样。
第2个回答  2014-04-30
obligation [,�0�0bli'gei�0�6�0�5n] n. 义务,责任 1. I have an obligation not to. 我有义务不这样。 2. Are we under any obligation to support the company? 我们是不是有义务支持这家公司? 3. You have no obligation to answer these questions in law. 在法律上,你没有义务非回答这些问题。