
what do what dose what did这类句型是问什么的
what is are was 这类句型又是问什么的



(一)What + 系动词 + sb / sth?

Whatis it / this / that? It is an eraser.
Whatare they (物)/ these / those? They are foxes.
Whatis between the buildings? There aresome trees.
What'sthis in English? It's an orange.

Whatis your name? My name is Amy.

Whatare you? I’m a teacher.
Whatis he? He’s a doctor.
Whatare they(人)? Theyare students.
陈述句: He’s a doctor.
转变为一般疑问句: Is he a doctor?
特殊疑问句,对doctor 提问: What is he?

Whatis your favorite fruit?
Ilike watermelon. (My favorite fruit is watermelon.) (Watermelon.)
(相当于:Which fruit is your like best? Ilike watermelon best.)
Whatis your favorite color? I like pinkand blue.
Whatis your favorite sport? I like playbasketball.
Whatis Amy’s telephone number? 83162548.

Whatis (What’s) the date today? It isJanuary 1st today.

Whatis the weather like (in winter) (in Beijing)? It is cold and windy.

Whatis she like? She is tall and thin. (She is like her mother. )

Whatis ten plus seven? It is seventeen。

(二)What + 名词 + 系动词 + sb / sth?

Whatday is today / tomorrow? (What day is it today / tomorrow?)
It’sMonday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday.

Whattime is it? 几点了? It is 8:00. (eight.)(8:00.)(8o’clock.)

Whatcolor is your shirt?It is pink.

Whatclass / grade are you in? We are in class two / grade three.


(一)What + 助动词 + sb / sth + 实义动词?
Whatare you doing? I am making abirthday card.
Whatare you doing? We are studyinghard.
Whatare the elephants doing? They aresleeping.

Whatare you going to do next weekend?
Weare going to our grandparents.
Whatare you going to be?
Iam going to be a teacher.
注释:这里的are是助动词,而不是系动词。它跟going to一起构成将来时时态。

Whatdo you do? I am a policeman.
Whatdo you do? We are teachers.

Whatdo you (usually) do on the weekend? Ioften go hiking.

Whatdo you have for dinner? I have beefand rice.

What(classes) do you have on Wednesday? We have English and Art.

(二)What + 名词 + 助动词 + sb / sth + 实义动词?
◆Whatclasses do you have on Wednesday? We have English and Art.
What sports do you like?(对宾语提问)I like basketball.

二、do。。dose....did....是一般疑问句,具体问什么要看句子的实际意思哦,总之是问没有be(am,is,are )和情态动词can,must等的句子。

第1个回答  2013-06-07

what do,一般现在时的特殊疑问句,主体是第一人称,第二人称,或者是第三人称复数或其他复数形式,如what do you like?
what does,一般现在时的特殊疑问句,主体是第三人称单数,如what does he like?
what did,一般过去时特殊疑问句,主体可以是第一人称,第二人称,或者是第三人称单数、复数或其他复数形式,如what did they do yesterday?(过去的时间段)

what is,一般现在时的特殊疑问句,主体是名词单数,如what is this in english?
what are,一般现在时的特殊疑问句,主体是名词复数,如what are these in english?
what was,一般过去时的特殊疑问句,主体是名词单数,如what was the date yesterday?

do,一般现在时的一般疑问句,主体可以是第一人称,第二人称,或者是第三人称单数、复数或其他复数形式,如do you like her?
does,一般现在时的一般疑问句,主体是第三人称单数,如does Lily like you?
did,一般过去时的一般疑问句,主体可以是第一人称,第二人称,或者是第三人称单数、复数或其他复数形式,如did you go to the park yesterday?
第2个回答  2013-06-07
what do/does/did:what do you like ?你喜欢什么?动词是like,在陈述句中作谓语,当一个疑问句里有动词时,一般用do来辅助;what is/are/was:what is your name?你的名字是什么?动词是is,在陈述句中是作谓语的,一个句子中不含有其他动词,只含有名词时,一般都是用be动词;do/does/did:do you like it?你喜欢它吗?这是一般疑问句,只是一种用yes or no 来回答的疑问句。而前两个都是特殊疑问句,它们的回答不是用yes or no,需要回答出问题答案。
第3个回答  2013-06-07
what 疑问句为特殊疑问句,不能用YES/NO回答

what do /does/did 是对实意动词提问。

what is are was 对系动词提问。

do。。dose....did.... 是一般疑问句,用YES/NO回答。