

第1个回答  2013-05-28












⒈生茶 是新鲜的茶叶采摘后以自然的方式陈放,未经过渥堆发酵处理。生茶茶性较烈,刺激。新制或陈放不久的生茶有强烈的苦味,色味汤色较浅或黄绿,生茶适合饮用 长久储藏 年复一年看着生普洱叶子颜色的渐渐变深。香味越来越醇厚。

⒉熟茶 是经过渥堆发酵使茶性趋向温和, 熟普具有温和的茶性,茶水丝滑柔顺,醇香浓郁,更适合日常饮用 质量上乘的熟普,熟普也是值得珍藏的,同样熟普的香味也仍会随着陈化的时间而变得越来越柔顺,浓郁。以1973年为分界点,1973年之前没有熟茶。
The classification of pu 'er tea according to the shape classification
1. Cake tea: flat disc, which cake each net weight 357 grams, the seventh, peulthai the every seven to mention, every barrel weighs 2500 grams, therefore seven loaves.
2. TuoCha: shape with bowl size, each net weight 100 grams, 250 grams, mini-packaged each net weight 2 grams, 5 grams.
3. Brick tea: rectangle or square, 250 grams - 1000 grams, made this shape is mainly in order to facilitate transport.
4. Featuring gong tea: half a melon shape of compressed into size, from 100 grams to several hundred catties.
5. Mushroom tea: tight pressed into mushroom shape of puer tea, weighing about 250 grams.
Column 6. Tea: suppress growth of columnar puer tea, then use bamboo or bandaging xun shell outside, less weight 100 grams, to kg.
7. Seven loaves: usually seven round tea cake
8. Jin Tuo: circular TuoCha, fashionable carrying, network is the most widespread, weight 2 grams. World's smallest puer tea.

9. Old tea head: old tea, also known as natural Tuo, shai is sunning in the comparison test of bud leaf, because the tender degree is high, high content of pectin, in w pile fermentation ripe tea, natural curl or tangle into pieces, and formed the tea first. Aged tea tight knot, fermentation, very resistant to bubble, to ripe tea essence, taste looked great!

According to the classification of fermentation process

raw tea is fresh tea leaves picked lots goint in a natural way, without w pile fermentation process. Raw tea tea sex is strong, stimulation. New system or maturing soon gave birth to the tea has a strong bitter taste, the color looked shallow green, or yellow raw tea fit to drink for a long time storage year after year looking at birth