

Dear Mr./Ms. xx,
Sorry for telling you that i want to resign to be the English Course Representative. I've learnt a lot as the Course Representative,but the main point is that i need to attend a lot of activities so that i don't have enough time to do the work well and study well.
So far, i am not able to manage my time and do all the tings well. After careful consideration, I made up my mind to apply for the resignation.Please think about it. Thank you!
Best Wishes,
第1个回答  2013-03-30
Dear teacher,
I'm greatly hournered to be appionted as the English representative. But I'm affraid that I'm not quite equal to that and have disappointed you a lot. Besides, I'll have to take part in many activities, and I can't arange my time very well. So I want to resign my jod, and I hope you can find someone more capable for it.
Your student
第2个回答  2013-04-05
如需编辑回答或插入图片,请点击标题到问题详情页Dear Mr./Ms. xx,
Sorry for telling you that i want to resign to be the English Course Representative. I've learnt a lot as the Course Representative,but the main point is that i need to attend a lot...
第3个回答  2013-03-31